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  1. #1
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    Tren E/Test E PCT Question... Bromo?

    I will shortly be coming off a Test E (500mg EW) and Tren E (300mg EW) cycle...

    I have got plenty of Nolva and Clomid for my PCT, I was wondering if there is any benefit in adding Bromo (for prolactin) and Adex to my PCT too... If so, at what doses?


    P.S: Tren E is out your system in 14 days, same as Test E right?

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    i run Caber for my Tren cycles and PCT. havent come across Bromo so i cant help you there. But i love caber. i use it at .25mg at 2 times a week and no prolactin issues what so ever. i also use Adex for PCT at a dose of .25mg a day.

    yes Tren E should be out of your system bout 14 days, due to the Enanthate ester.

    P.S. some ppl recommend not taking Adex for PCT. i forget the reasoning but they prefer to use Aromasin or such. I always use Adex with no problems. Just saying.

  3. #3
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i run Caber for my Tren cycles and PCT. havent come across Bromo so i cant help you there. But i love caber. i use it at .25mg at 2 times a week and no prolactin issues what so ever. i also use Adex for PCT at a dose of .25mg a day.

    yes Tren E should be out of your system bout 14 days, due to the Enanthate ester.

    P.S. some ppl recommend not taking Adex for PCT. i forget the reasoning but they prefer to use Aromasin or such. I always use Adex with no problems. Just saying.
    Cheers... Yeah, I have heard Adex can reduce the effects of Nolva during PCT. I'll look into it some more though... I have Adex but no Aromasin .

  4. #4
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidYork2 View Post
    Cheers... Yeah, I have heard Adex can reduce the effects of Nolva during PCT. I'll look into it some more though... I have Adex but no Aromasin.
    long as your running clomid and nolva then the affect on the novla shouldnt be drastic enough from the Adex to really cause any lack of proper levels being reached in a decent amount of time. cuz your using the clomid also which does about most of the same work the nolva does. just slightly different. like i said, it works fine for me. i recover just fine.

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    how did you like your cycle?

  6. #6
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    It was a good cycle, made some solid gains... Hoping to make sure I get my PCT right so I can keep them!!

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