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Thread: Cycle Help

  1. #1
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
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    Cycle Help

    heres my cycle

    Weeks 1-12: Test 750mg a week
    Deca 400mg a week

    i have exemestane and finasteride for a PCT but not quite sure what dosage to run them and when, im pretty sure im gonna run the exem. eod at 25mg but with the finasteride im completely lost, someone help!

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by xclassicstruggle View Post
    heres my cycle

    Weeks 1-12: Test 750mg a week
    Deca 400mg a week

    i have exemestane and finasteride for a PCT but not quite sure what dosage to run them and when, im pretty sure im gonna run the exem. eod at 25mg but with the finasteride im completely lost, someone help!
    deca must be stopped 2 weeks prior to the last week of test,so
    do week 1-10 400 mg deca

    i assume ur test is enanthate , so ur pct should look like this

    week 16-17 40 mg nolvadex ed
    week 18-20 20 mg nolvadex

    nolvadex shall protect u against gyno, and restore ur natural test levels

  3. #3
    a lifeless plague's Avatar
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    you're so small. you just fell into the floor crack didnt you? get up smalzy mc littles, get up. nvm run the fina 1.5-2 mg a day. thats enough to battle hair loss.
    Last edited by a lifeless plague; 08-18-2008 at 06:27 PM.

  4. #4
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
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    ya I was gonna do the deca 1-10 but how bout the finasteride u didn't say nething about that. That's my main concern

  5. #5
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by xclassicstruggle View Post
    ya I was gonna do the deca 1-10 but how bout the finasteride u didn't say nething about that. That's my main concern
    finasteride is for prostate growth
    and Exemestane is an aromatase inhibitor if it was me id do finasteride 5 mg a day for 4 weeks during pct.

    can u get nolvadex instead of exemestane or no?

  6. #6
    a lifeless plague's Avatar
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    he is running nolvadex during pct idk why he didnt mention it. come on smalls. he is running aromasin while on just to battle estrogen conversion. and the finasteride to battle dht.

  7. #7
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
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    i could but i was just gonna use the exemestane while on THEN nolva during pct
    Last edited by xclassicstruggle; 08-18-2008 at 06:29 PM. Reason: forgot to add the nolva

  8. #8
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by xclassicstruggle View Post
    i could but i was just gonna use the exemestane while on THEN nolva during pct
    oh ok, now i get it

    exemestane is an aromatize inhibitor so u can use it while on if ur prone to gyno,personally i woulnt use it unless i see gyno signs.

    now the for the finas use 5 mg a day during ur cycle to control dht and help ur prostate.

    and use nolva for pct

  9. #9
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
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    thanks for your advice man, what do you think about starting the nolva at week 14 instead of 16 just as a precaution

  10. #10
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
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    also what week do you advise i stop the fin

  11. #11
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    its usually 2 or 3 weeks after ur last testosterone ENANTHATE shot that pct must begin, but its not written in stone.

    now since test enth will not kick in until 5-6 weeks, id take the proscar (aka fin) for the last 4-5 weeks of the ON STEROIDS cycle

  12. #12
    xclassicstruggle's Avatar
    xclassicstruggle is offline New Member
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    thanks you were a great help

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