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Thread: PCT suggestions needed please

  1. #1

    PCT suggestions needed please

    Im 5"11 157lbs 21 yo 10.2%bf, this will be my 3rd cycle....but first pct. the guy that was giving me advice with the 2 prior cycles obviously didnt know as much as i thought he did. my NEWcycle consists of 500mg/wk test e, and 500mg deca/wk, 10-20mg nolva ED, and if i can get ahold of a-dex(?mgs) or aromasin(25mgs/day).(any suggestions with my cycle would be appreciated). I was trying to gather all the gear for anthony roberts pct, but having trouble and was wondering if thats too much for a beginner(bc i was told first timers will most likely not have much probs because theres not much excess test to cause sides after cycle?). ive researched on here, but different ppl suggest different pct's. any help....??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    at 5'11'' and only 157lbs you need to spend more time researching in the diet forum. get that in check and try again in a few months. AAS are not magic beans.

    3rd cycle. wow. you can easily gain another 40lbs before even thinking about a cycle.

    to answer your pct question id find some aromasin its a better option to run in correlation with the nolva and have some cabergoline on hand as well incase you have any deca related sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    3rd cycle and 157lbs? How much did you weigh before you started?

    Definitely hold off and make sure diet and training are in order.

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