Okay heres the rundown guys, i have been on a cycle that included dbol, deca, and test e. I took the dbol for a month, then just stayed on the deca and test til the 12th week, which was last week. Heres my problem, i took nolvadex throughout the cycle because I was told that you need to be on something like nolva or ameridex (however you spell that) during cycle. Now I'm hearing that I screwed up my cycle because you don't need to take anything, especially nolvadex during cycle, only for PCT. Well my questions are, did this in any way hold back gains or screw up my cycle in anyway? I do think its strange that I'm only up 10 lbs in body weight and have only added about 30 lbs or so to my bench? But maybe thats right for strength about I don't know? Its just that last time I was on Test E and Deca I gained alot more weight, closer to 30 lbs body weight, and was up like 40 lbs on my bench press, etc. So is the nolvadex the reason i didn't gain weight or what happened??? Also for another PCT question, what should I do from here on out?? Like when do I start my clomid and nolvadex for PCT since my last shot was last week??? Any info on these matters would be greatly appreciated!