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Thread: Before starting cycle, please help with M-DROL PCT..have researched but still unclear

  1. #1

    Before starting cycle, please help with M-DROL PCT..have researched but still unclear

    Hey guys,
    I plan on starting a cycle of Competitive Edge Labs M-DROL Nov. 1st. My dosing will be 10/10/10, possibly bumping up to 20mg the last week. For the 3 days prior to the start of my cycle, I will pre-load my support supps (Milk Thistle (1110mg/day), Taurine (3g/day), Red Yeast Rice w/ CoQ10 (1.2g RYR & 60mg CoQ10/day), & Hawthorn Berries (1130mg/day)) and continue these will on cycle and for the first week of my PCT. I will also be taking 4800mg Flax Oil/day & 2400mg Fish Oil/day. I do not have access to a perscription SERM such as Nolva or Clomid, so for PCT I bought Anabolic Xtreme (licensed by Designer Supplements) Rebound XT, which I plan on dosing 75/50/25. During PCT I will also be taking Tribulus @ 2000mg/day. Will I be OK doing this or are there any other OTC products I should add to my cycle and/or PCT? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    you can get a serm through a resurch chem company like ar-r. with m-drol i wouldent recomend just using somthing otc.just my 2 cents.also your dosing looks weak i would look back at some of the logs u resurched and see what others have done.ive never done m-drol so i cant help u there but i do know its pretty potent stuff and recomend a better pct.good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    you can get a serm through a resurch chem company like ar-r. with m-drol i wouldent recomend just using somthing otc.just my 2 cents.also your dosing looks weak i would look back at some of the logs u resurched and see what others have done.ive never done m-drol so i cant help u there but i do know its pretty potent stuff and recomend a better pct.good luck bro.
    Appreciate your suggestions. My reason for the low dosing is that it is my first cycle. The doseage is one of the reasons why I figured I might be able to get away with an OTC PCT such as the Rebound XT. I did source some research chems but could not find a site that seems reputable. AR-R is?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    i love ar-r thayve always come through for me in a timely for your low dose theory and pct. i belive your going to get "shut down" either way so this being your first cycle you might as well go for it but do it right.i am of course no expert just giving you my opinion.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    i love ar-r thayve always come through for me in a timely for your low dose theory and pct. i belive your going to get "shut down" either way so this being your first cycle you might as well go for it but do it right.i am of course no expert just giving you my opinion.
    Nolva is on the way. Going to dose it as follows...60mg first day, 40mg days 2-11, 20mg days 12-21. Just curious what does ar-r show up on your cc statement as?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    60mgs is nuts..

    And 40mgs is not needed... 20mgs for the entire PCT is fine...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    60mgs is nuts..

    And 40mgs is not needed... 20mgs for the entire PCT is fine...
    k, thanks. I was reading to do more.

  8. #8
    So, SD @ 10/10/20 & Nolva at 20/20/20 look ok?

  9. #9
    Also, should I run my OTC AI (Rebound XT) in addition to the Nolvadex?
    would 40/30/20/10 be overkill for Nolva?

  10. #10
    anyone who can help me out here?

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