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  1. #1
    Almost Jacked 33 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Question ? ? ? ? Anyone who does not do PCT ? ? ? ?

    I was wondering if there are anyone here who does not do a pct? What are your reasons, any positives, or negatives you see from not doing a pct. I know that in the 70s and 80s there wasnt much research on pct. How did these guys avoid the sides or did they? What about tapering down your cycle before stopping it? Are there any positives or negatives anyone knows from experience with tapering down a cycle before ending?

    >I know these are alot of random questions, but please feel free to answer just one or all if you choose. I am looking forward to your opionions on these. Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almost Jacked 33 View Post
    I was wondering if there are anyone here who does not do a pct? What are your reasons, any positives, or negatives you see from not doing a pct. I know that in the 70s and 80s there wasnt much research on pct. How did these guys avoid the sides or did they? What about tapering down your cycle before stopping it? Are there any positives or negatives anyone knows from experience with tapering down a cycle before ending?

    >I know these are alot of random questions, but please feel free to answer just one or all if you choose. I am looking forward to your opionions on these. Thanks for your time.
    I don't use PCT because i'm on a blast cruise method, therefore i do taper down to cruise. The bbers also used to use the taper method in the hope it would avoid a big crash.
    There is however no point in tapering down to PCT.
    This will just prolong your recovery.

  3. #3
    Almost Jacked 33 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008
    would tapering down benefit if you werent going to do a pct?

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almost Jacked 33 View Post
    would tapering down benefit if you werent going to do a pct?
    Thats what they did before there was PCT, i'm sure it helps avoid a crash in hormones, and it certainly works for me, i used to just go straight from blast to cruise, after a chat with marcus300 i started tapering, things are much more stable now, so in my experience, the answer is yes it helps to taper if your not going to do PCT.

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