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  1. #1
    waterh20 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008

    few nooby questions about my stack

    hey everybody, I'm starting my first cycle of Test-E, Deca , and Dbol ... Old school, but simple I guess. I'm looking just to bulk up. Amway’s ran into a few newbie questions that are bothering me. Obviously I wan't to know all the in's and out's before starting.

    Week 1-12: 500ml Test-E (These would be taken in two shots 250ml each? Mon/Thur)

    Week 1-5: 40g Dbol (Taken everyday, split up, avoid taking before bedtime?)

    Week 1-10: 400ml Deca(this would be one shot a week correct?)

    Now, I'm simply not understanding PCT at all, nor can I find a PCT to match up with this. I have Nova/Clomid on hand incase of a gyno attack. What would be the best PCT for this cycle? I'm trying to learn everything about this just incase anything happens. Obviously I need to do a little bit more reading on this but I'm hoping somebody will shed some light on how to correctly do a PCT, and is my cycle good?

  2. #2
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by waterh20 View Post
    hey everybody, I'm starting my first cycle of Test-E, Deca , and Dbol ... Old school, but simple I guess. I'm looking just to bulk up. Amway’s ran into a few newbie questions that are bothering me. Obviously I wan't to know all the in's and out's before starting.

    Week 1-12: 500ml Test-E (These would be taken in two shots 250ml each? Mon/Thur)

    Week 1-5: 40g Dbol (Taken everyday, split up, avoid taking before bedtime?)

    Week 1-10: 400ml Deca(this would be one shot a week correct?)

    Now, I'm simply not understanding PCT at all, nor can I find a PCT to match up with this. I have Nova/Clomid on hand incase of a gyno attack. What would be the best PCT for this cycle? I'm trying to learn everything about this just incase anything happens. Obviously I need to do a little bit more reading on this but I'm hoping somebody will shed some light on how to correctly do a PCT, and is my cycle good?
    Is this your 1st cycle?
    Right mate, nolva should not be used on cycle with deca, thats a no, no.
    You need an AI on hand for any gyno symptoms, adex or letro, is a good choice. Save the nolva and clomid for PCT, this should be started 2wks after last test shot, run it like this.
    Wk 14-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
    Wk 14-18 clomid 100/50/50/25.

  3. #3
    waterh20 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    yes first cycle, when you say

    Wk 14-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
    Wk 14-18 clomid 100/50/50/25

    thats everyday right? sorry gotta get all the dumb questions out... lol

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by waterh20 View Post
    yes first cycle, when you say

    Wk 14-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
    Wk 14-18 clomid 100/50/50/25

    thats everyday right? sorry gotta get all the dumb questions out... lol
    Yes he means everyday so for the Nolva week 1 ED at 40 week 2 ED at 20 etc etc

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