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Thread: No AI in PCT due to Proviron?????????????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Question No AI in PCT due to Proviron?????????????

    Hi everyone,

    Would the use of proviron during a cycle reduce the need for an AI in a PCT as estrogen levels will be kept in check by the proviron. Im gonna be starting a cycle in the new year:

    Test E - 500 (Weeks 1-10)
    Dbol - 30 ED (1-4)
    Proviron - 50 ED (1-13)
    Nolva - 20 ED (13-17)

    Im gonna run the proviron all the way through until i start PCT to keep my libido up, I haven't managed to get an AI so far and before buying some was wondering whether you would recommended i definitely do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JLR View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Would the use of proviron during a cycle reduce the need for an AI in a PCT as estrogen levels will be kept in check by the proviron. Im gonna be starting a cycle in the new year:

    Test E - 500 (Weeks 1-10)
    Dbol - 30 ED (1-4)
    Proviron - 50 ED (1-13)
    Nolva - 20 ED (13-17)

    Im gonna run the proviron all the way through until i start PCT to keep my libido up, I haven't managed to get an AI so far and before buying some was wondering whether you would recommended i definitely do?
    First off, no it wouldn't, not that an AI in PCT is strictly neccessary anyway.
    An AI should be at least kept on hand for the proposed cycle though.
    Do you have libido issues then when running 500mg test wk?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Hi, this is my first cycle so i dont know what effect it will have on my libido. I just want to make sure i recover well thats the main thing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ve jay jay land
    aromasin is the best AI for pct. IMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    yeah i agree all the research ive done says so, although it can reduce estrogen TOO much (upto 85%). I looked all over in thailand for aromasin but couldnt find it, managed to get the rest of my stack no problem.

    My thought was that since proviron has anti-aromatizing properties my levels will be kept under control throughout the cycle then when using the nolva in PCT there will only be limited amounts of estrogen to deal with.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JLR View Post
    yeah i agree all the research ive done says so, although it can reduce estrogen TOO much (upto 85%). I looked all over in thailand for aromasin but couldnt find it, managed to get the rest of my stack no problem.

    My thought was that since proviron has anti-aromatizing properties my levels will be kept under control throughout the cycle then when using the nolva in PCT there will only be limited amounts of estrogen to deal with.
    Sounds good but unfortunately, it doesn't work like.
    Your PCT would benefit from some clomid though mate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Thanks for the advice, i think ill get some clomid and leave an AI out this cycle.

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