I'm going to do a 10 week test cyp. only cycle and want your guys advice on a good pct for this basic cycle. i don't want anything crazy, and i'm not going to use hcg during this cycle because it's such a simple cycle and I have gotten numerous comments that I would not need it. My cycle is this:
1-10 test cyp. 400mg/week (maybe 500mg)
1-10 liquidex .25mg ed (or just as needed)
12-18 Nolva 20/20/20/20/20/20 (I figured better recovery with six weeks of nolva instead of 4 as I heard nolva at 40mg is somewhat useless)
I know that more is needed for pct, possibly clomid, and maybe continue the liquidex into pct or not? I need some help on finalizing this.... thanks bros