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Thread: Nolva only PCT for short 1st cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)

    Question Nolva only PCT for short 1st cycle.

    Hi, I've had to cut my 1st cycle somewhat short at 7 weeks of the 12 I was intending on running it. I've put on over a stone though, so I really want to keep as much of it as possible. Here's a breakdown of what I've ran so far...

    Wks 1-6: Dianabol @ 20-30mg p/d
    Wks 1-7: Sustanon250 @ 400mg p/w
    Wks 1-7: Nolvadex @ 10mg p/d

    ...It's been about 1 1/2 weeks since my last Sust jab now, and so I'm looking at starting my PCT within the next week. At the moment I only have Nolvadex to hand, however my mate, who has a substantial amount of experience with AS, says that in this instance, a Nolva only PCT would be sufficient, as it's a relatively mild & short cycle.

    Would everyone agree with this?

    This is how I was thinking of running my Nolva only PCT...

    Wk 1&2: 40mg Nolva
    Wk 3&4: 20mg Nolva

    ...I would greatly appreciate peoples' opinions as to whether this looks okay, 1: as a stand-alone product PCT, and 2: in terms of the dosing protocol?

    Cheers y'all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GrandmasterSpank View Post
    Hi, I've had to cut my 1st cycle somewhat short at 7 weeks of the 12 I was intending on running it. I've put on over a stone though, so I really want to keep as much of it as possible. Here's a breakdown of what I've ran so far...

    Wks 1-6: Dianabol @ 20-30mg p/d
    Wks 1-7: Sustanon250 @ 400mg p/w
    Wks 1-7: Nolvadex @ 10mg p/d

    ...It's been about 1 1/2 weeks since my last Sust jab now, and so I'm looking at starting my PCT within the next week. At the moment I only have Nolvadex to hand, however my mate, who has a substantial amount of experience with AS, says that in this instance, a Nolva only PCT would be sufficient, as it's a relatively mild & short cycle.

    Would everyone agree with this?

    This is how I was thinking of running my Nolva only PCT...

    Wk 1&2: 40mg Nolva
    Wk 3&4: 20mg Nolva

    ...I would greatly appreciate peoples' opinions as to whether this looks okay, 1: as a stand-alone product PCT, and 2: in terms of the dosing protocol?

    Cheers y'all!
    I'd add Clomid at 25-50mg/ED and an AI as you havent used one during your cycle.

    Estrogen is about 200x as suppressive as Testosterone. So lower it.

    It really is your no.1 enemy during PCT, as is Prolactin.

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Aromasin 20mg/EOD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I'd add Clomid at 25-50mg/ED and an AI as you havent used one during your cycle.

    Estrogen is about 200x as suppressive as Testosterone. So lower it.

    It really is your no.1 enemy during PCT, as is Prolactin.

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Aromasin 20mg/EOD
    Cheers for your swift reply there Swifto! :-)

    Didn't think such a heavy protocol would be required tbh, but am still learning all the time here and want to keep as much of the gains as possible so will do my best to acquire the above if necessary!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GrandmasterSpank View Post
    Cheers for your swift reply there Swifto! :-)

    Didn't think such a heavy protocol would be required tbh, but am still learning all the time here and want to keep as much of the gains as possible so will do my best to acquire the above if necessary!
    No problem my fellow Brit!

    7 weeks of Sust will shut your HPTA down mate. It may not be that long and longer harder PCT may be needed for longer cycles, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be very agressive during PCT and get endogenous testosterone back up too fast (that being a good thing), than not being agressive enough and still being shutdown or inhibited for not conducting the right PCT.

    As you havent used an AI, estrogen is fairly high now. Sustanon and Dinabol both atomotase and will push up estrogen, therfore and AI is needed during PCT. Use Arimidex next time at 0.25mg/ED or EOD.

    Use the compounds I stated until your balls are back and labido is back. That may be less than 5 weeks, it maybe 3-4, but do it until you recover. PCT shouldnt be set to a time limit IMHO.

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