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Thread: I didnt do PCT and.............

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    I didnt do PCT and.............

    2 years ago I did a Test E only cycle for 10 weeks with no PCT. then 1.5 years ago i did 8 weeks of winstrol tabs only and no PCT. Well guess what, I felt like crap last May and went to my doc for some blood work. My total Test was 217. I have been back twice since then and was 250 and 308 those times. Pretty damn low for a healthy 38 year old. My doc is not educated on these topics and doesnt really feel like that is an issue, so I have a question for you the educated masses of the board.

    What can I do at this point to get my endogenous test levels back up? I think I should be at least in the 800 range at my age and activity levels. I have considered TRT, but that is kinda permanent and I was hoping not to have to go that route at this age.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Do a PCT now. Get Clomid / Nolvadex and run it for 4 weeks.

    You may be able to kickstart your test production that way. If not... it's TRT for the rest of your life.

  3. #3
    hmm, depending the lab doing the testing 250 is usually the lower range which is still normal. for a 38 year old i would think that is a little lower than it should be BUT we don't have a baseline to know where your production was at before. If you were in the 700 range at 18 years old, then 300 would actually be a normal progression of age. Maybe a little more than normal but still in acceptable values.

    My test was low 200's before I did any cycling at all. My body just doesn't produce much. I'm also 25 years old with those levels.

    I would say try a PCT with nolva,clomid, and l-dex and maybe 2 weeks of hcg e3d and see what that does for your levels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Did your doctor suggest prescribing anything to remedy the situation? I visited an endocrinologist a couple years back and had low test, he prescribed me some stupid test gel that you rub on your arm. I gave up on that as it was not helping me feel any better, and it was $200/month. I recently did my first cycle ever and felt great, I PCT'd with clomid and nolvadex....still feeling great.

    Go back and ask him to prescribe you something, or go see another doctor. If not...juice on, brother.

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