What's going on guys? Tell me what you guys think about my cycle and pct. I am on my 4th week and started the AI and hcg on 3rd week of cycle.
Weeks 1-14....500mgs Test Enth
Weeks 4-9 or 10......50mgs dbol. It was late coming in.
Weeks 1-14....hcg run @ 500ius every 3rd day and Arimidex @ .25mg ED or EOD. How should I take this? I'm not really gyno prone.
Week 16-20....nolva @ 40/40/20/20 or was thinking about going with Tormifene.
Also have Aromasin on hand but don't think it is needed because I am controlling my estrogen during cycle. Correct? Or should I use it during pct?
What do you guys think about this? I'm a smaller guy and not very gyno prone but I'm using this protocol from Swale I found somewhere. Is that too much hcg for too long a time? And do I need the Arimidex? If so, should I go with .25 ED or EOD, or .50 ED or EOD? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks alot guys.