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Thread: Calling all Aromasin gurus... need HELP Superdrol PCT, acne prone.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Calling all Aromasin gurus... need HELP Superdrol PCT, acne prone.

    I ran a 3 week superdrol cycle through the end of December. For PCT I used only tamoxifen citrate for 4 weeks. Now my problem is ACNE! While I was on cycle breakouts were minimal to non existent; however, near the end of my PCT I started to break out, and continue to breakout on my forehead and temples. I've done a lot of reading and there seems to be a general consensus that estrogen rebound/ hormonal imbalance is what causes the acne in many individuals. I know that my testosterone levels are still through the roof because I gained more muscle mass/ strength after the cycle than I did while I was on.

    Anyway, I've been seeing a Derm... we tried antibiotic pills, group retin-A creams, etc. That didn't work, so now she wants to put me on Accutane. She likes to have her patients run it for 5 months on average. This seems like a huge commitment, and I'm not sure I want to put up with all the sides and avoid sun for the next 5 months, esp since summer is around the corner.

    Since I'm pretty sure my Acne is due to an estrogen rebound, I'm thinking about getting back on the SD and during the last week on cycle, Ill start taking Aromasin, then phase the nolvadex in at the end of the cycle. Ill continue Aromasin and Nolva for PCT. These 2 will overlap for 3 weeks.

    I feel that the combination of an AI and a SERM will rape any estrogen rebound that might occur during PCT.

    I'm sorry for the long ass explanation, but what do you guys think??? Is the Accutane really worth it? Or should I jump on cycle and try the Aromasim/Nolva route?

    Thanks for whoever takes the time to read this!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Just want to through in my 2 cents on this one . I used to break out bad after my cycles but not to much while on the cycles . Accutane is a very harsh drug , and the sides can be worse than your origional problem . It is your decision , buy I would wait it out . Acne is a small side effect plus if you plan to cycle again which I'm sure you are . Then you are going to have to use Accutane again and again . That stuff will dry skin out to the point that it will crack and bleed . Good luck .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by HelloImJohnnyCash View Post
    I ran a 3 week superdrol cycle through the end of December. For PCT I used only tamoxifen citrate for 4 weeks. Now my problem is ACNE! While I was on cycle breakouts were minimal to non existent; however, near the end of my PCT I started to break out, and continue to breakout on my forehead and temples. I've done a lot of reading and there seems to be a general consensus that estrogen rebound/ hormonal imbalance is what causes the acne in many individuals. I know that my testosterone levels are still through the roof because I gained more muscle mass/ strength after the cycle than I did while I was on.

    Anyway, I've been seeing a Derm... we tried antibiotic pills, group retin-A creams, etc. That didn't work, so now she wants to put me on Accutane. She likes to have her patients run it for 5 months on average. This seems like a huge commitment, and I'm not sure I want to put up with all the sides and avoid sun for the next 5 months, esp since summer is around the corner.

    Since I'm pretty sure my Acne is due to an estrogen rebound, I'm thinking about getting back on the SD and during the last week on cycle, Ill start taking Aromasin, then phase the nolvadex in at the end of the cycle. Ill continue Aromasin and Nolva for PCT. These 2 will overlap for 3 weeks.

    I feel that the combination of an AI and a SERM will rape any estrogen rebound that might occur during PCT.

    I'm sorry for the long ass explanation, but what do you guys think??? Is the Accutane really worth it? Or should I jump on cycle and try the Aromasim/Nolva route?

    Thanks for whoever takes the time to read this!!!
    None of the anti-biotics worked for me and I tried lots of them.

    Accutane did work, but may make acne worse before it gets better. It does work though. I ran 20mg/ED for about 2-3 months and it cleared things up. Many Derm's suggest longer durations for Accuatne and I've spoken to members that have run successful course of Accuatne, then never had problems with acne again, no matter what AS.

    Your homones are all over the place and its the reason you have acne. Estrogen and DHT can also contribute to acne and very androgenic compounds will also worsen or cause it.

    Get estorgen down and start Aromasin at 20mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 10mg/ED for a few more weeks. Dont take any DHT-derivatives, like Proviron (make me breakout) during PCT either.

    Use Toremifene (my choice, 120mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 60mg/ED for 2 weeks) or Nolva for PCT.

    Dont go back onto the Superdrol and further worsen your hormonal levels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    None of the anti-biotics worked for me and I tried lots of them.

    Accutane did work, but may make acne worse before it gets better. It does work though. I ran 20mg/ED for about 2-3 months and it cleared things up. Many Derm's suggest longer durations for Accuatne and I've spoken to members that have run successful course of Accuatne, then never had problems with acne again, no matter what AS.

    Your homones are all over the place and its the reason you have acne. Estrogen and DHT can also contribute to acne and very androgenic compounds will also worsen or cause it.

    Get estorgen down and start Aromasin at 20mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 10mg/ED for a few more weeks. Dont take any DHT-derivatives, like Proviron (make me breakout) during PCT either.

    Use Toremifene (my choice, 120mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 60mg/ED for 2 weeks) or Nolva for PCT.

    Dont go back onto the Superdrol and further worsen your hormonal levels.
    Thanks for the info!! For clarification, are you saying to just run a cycle of aromasin by itself to bring estrogen levels down? I finished PCT from previous cycle 2 months ago.

    If I decide to go on accutane, would it be ok to run aromasin by itself while I'm on the accutane? The point of this would be to keep my test levels elevated and estrogen down. The only reason I would be worried about combining these is because a rise in testosterone could potentially open me up to androgenic side effects. I'm also curious to know if aromasin is harsh on the liver at all....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    user SERM + AI for this...

    never took SD but from I hear its nothin to be ****ed with.

    get your aromasin and some nolva (or torem) run nolva 20mg/day for 4 weeks, aromasin can be taken at 10 mg if you want..20 would be tite too

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