None of the anti-biotics worked for me and I tried lots of them.
Accutane did work, but may make acne worse before it gets better. It does work though. I ran 20mg/ED for about 2-3 months and it cleared things up. Many Derm's suggest longer durations for Accuatne and I've spoken to members that have run successful course of Accuatne, then never had problems with acne again, no matter what AS.
Your homones are all over the place and its the reason you have acne. Estrogen and DHT can also contribute to acne and very androgenic compounds will also worsen or cause it.
Get estorgen down and start Aromasin at 20mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 10mg/ED for a few more weeks. Dont take any DHT-derivatives, like Proviron (make me breakout) during PCT either.
Use Toremifene (my choice, 120mg/ED for 2 weeks, then 60mg/ED for 2 weeks) or Nolva for PCT.
Dont go back onto the Superdrol and further worsen your hormonal levels.