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Thread: NEED a ALL around Expert

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    NEED a ALL around Expert

    So i am thinking about starting a cutting cycle
    not sure on length yet or pct

    I have enough
    test prop
    to do whatever i want with it..... but i am really wanting a very short cycle.

    something like
    test prop 1-4
    masteron 1-4
    then was planning on 500iu/day hcg 4-6
    and 20 mg/day nolva 4-8

    now some of my confusion is on when to start my hcg some are saying 3 days after my last shot with the short esters and other saying during the last two weeks of cycle???? even if my cycle is as short as 4 weeks? or should i be doing atleast 6weeks. just curious b/c need it in and out of system ncaa football testing.

    now i would add aromasin into the pct but can't figure out how to get my hands on it.... is that a bad deal or will i be ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sasman View Post
    So i am thinking about starting a cutting cycle
    not sure on length yet or pct

    I have enough
    test prop
    to do whatever i want with it..... but i am really wanting a very short cycle.

    something like
    test prop 1-4
    masteron 1-4
    then was planning on 500iu/day hcg 4-6
    and 20 mg/day nolva 4-8

    now some of my confusion is on when to start my hcg some are saying 3 days after my last shot with the short esters and other saying during the last two weeks of cycle???? even if my cycle is as short as 4 weeks? or should i be doing atleast 6weeks. just curious b/c need it in and out of system ncaa football testing.

    now i would add aromasin into the pct but can't figure out how to get my hands on it.... is that a bad deal or will i be ok?
    I dont think you need HCG for a 4 weeks short cycle. Keep it for longer cycles.

    Aromasin at 10mg/ED through the cycle, then drop it for PCT.

    PCT with Nolva/Clomid/Toremifene, you choose which 2. You may also be able to get away with 1.

    PCT should last as long as it takes to regain your sex drive. Or get BW done.

    Regarding your cycle, you may want to run larger doses as your running it for such a short duration.

    Test Prop 150-200mg/ED
    Masteron 75-100mg/ED

    I dont know how probne to estrogenic sides you are, but the Masterone will aid in keeping estorgenic sides low. You may not even need an AI.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    start HCG on week 5.

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