I have a couple questions, Please bear w/ me. i'm 43 5'8" 170 12-15% bf
First my cycle is this:
week 1-9 sust 450 mg
week 1-6 deca 300mg
week 7-12 tren en 300mg
week 7-12 test en 400mg
I started .25mg liquidex eod @ week 6 to keep est in check. Pct is this:
14 days after last inj.
week 1 clomid 100ed/nolv 40ed
week 2-4 clomid 50ed/nolv20ed
1st question, i read where if ai is used on cycle no need to use in pct, but if i'm using lightly should i continue thru pct, to keep est. levels regulated?
2nd question, I assumed since the pct start time for test en is 14 days it would be the same for tren en, am I correct?