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Thread: Overthinking?

  1. #1


    I have a couple questions, Please bear w/ me. i'm 43 5'8" 170 12-15% bf
    First my cycle is this:
    week 1-9 sust 450 mg
    week 1-6 deca 300mg
    week 7-12 tren en 300mg
    week 7-12 test en 400mg
    I started .25mg liquidex eod @ week 6 to keep est in check. Pct is this:
    14 days after last inj.
    week 1 clomid 100ed/nolv 40ed
    week 2-4 clomid 50ed/nolv20ed

    1st question, i read where if ai is used on cycle no need to use in pct, but if i'm using lightly should i continue thru pct, to keep est. levels regulated?

    2nd question, I assumed since the pct start time for test en is 14 days it would be the same for tren en, am I correct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I don't like anything about that cycle.

    how long have you been running that?

    and yes, you still need pct if you use an AI on cycle.

  3. #3
    I know to run pct after cycle, my question is should i continue liquidex into clomid/nolv pct. I am 9 weeks into cycle, It was reccommended to me by someone that supposedley knew what he was talking about, but after doing my own research (should have done before hand), I understand your opinion on this cycle. I actually have made good gains toward my goal, some size, huge gains in sports performance, decrease in body fat. After reading threads on this for the last 3 months. my next cycle will be engineered differently. Thanks for the reply, & if you have any more advice please fire away.

  4. #4
    Also, should I change cycle @ this point. Thought about doing just test en 450 to 16 wks. please advise

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    before I critique the cycle, I would be interested to know your reasons for wanting to run it like this?
    cycle history?

  6. #6
    I wanted to increase sports performance & strength, & add some size, and was told to run deca to help w joints, no problems, never had any. My diet is clean (3500 calories & 260 gms protien 85% from food, 15% from protein shakes). I was advised by supplier to run like this. My cycle history is:
    1st deca 300/test en 300 10 wks no pct
    2nd deca 300/sust 400 10wks no pct
    These were done over a 2 and a half year period, took awile to recover w/no pct, but after alot of research I have learned not to do without. In the future, & @ my age, my goals are to maintain strength and add a little size. I know how important diet is and am very disciplined there. I have been in weight and sports training for about 15 years, more into weight training now. Thanks for any input you may have good or bad.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    deca needs to be run for at least 10 weeks in my opinion, and test needs to be run longer than deca after the deca has stopped. how much longer would be determined by which ester test you are using at the end.
    before we delve too much into the cycle, have you considered checking into trt? at your age you likely would qualify.

  8. #8
    Yes I have, and after this cycle and downtime I will have bloodwork done and go from there.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    are you limited to using the gear at hand, or are you willing to shelf some for future cycles and get more of some so we can make a simpler and more effective cycle?

  10. #10
    Would like to use gear at hand, I have test enanthate, Tren enanthate & sustanon. I have arimidex,clomid and nolvadex also. I am willing to change out if neccessary, depending on availability.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    well looks like you have already started this cycle..
    you started the ldex week 6.. what week are you on now..

    atleast run the test a couple weeks past the tren if your already on the tren.. if not id stay on the deca and forget the tren.. id still run the test a couple weeks longer.

    you can run the adex through pct if you want.. sometimes i do sometimes i dont..

    kind of a mess here.. wish you would have asked about this several weeks ago..
    quite possible recovery could be a bitch with what you have planned..

  12. #12
    yea i wish i would have checked around, but i thought my source was knowledgable. I am in week 9 and will continue the test as you suggested, should i stop the tren now only been on 2 weeks. Thanks

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    i probably would and continue on the test..

    pct id run 100mg clomid the entire time with the nolvadex..

  14. #14
    Thats what i'll do, thanks for the advice. I will do more research and ask for more advice before next cycle. btw I suggested that my "source" get more experience b4 giving more advice!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    he dont care.. he wanted the sale..

  16. #16
    yea ya right, but he has advised quite a few of my friends, i just had to make sure he knew he could seriously affect someones health with the crap he is suggesting. This site and advice from you & others have opened my eyes and really given me motivation to really know the science behind aas supplementation. Even though i am concerned about coming off this cycle, i am really looking forward to doing the next one correctly. I train intensely and know nutrition, so the missing link is knowledge of aas. i will get bloodwork a few weeks after pct, & will look to this site for future guidance. btw it's like crack seems like i'm always reading threads. Thanks again, any added advice is always welcome.

  17. #17
    hey guys, got 3 more questions. If I stay on adex thru pct (@ .25mgs eod now) should i change dosage, and do i stop same time as pct. Mammon you said recovery may be a bitch, in your opinion what side effects should i look for.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Dont stay on Adex throughout PCT.

    Nolvadex reduces the effectiveness of Adex.

  19. #19
    I read i should stop day before pct is this correct

  20. #20
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    What is your cycle.

    Im not reading through that clusterfvck everyone already wrote about.

  21. #21
    Its the very first post on this thread, i will be on test e 225mgs 2x per week for next 3 weeks to finish

  22. #22
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    Yes stop the Adex the day before you begin PCT.

  23. #23
    Thanks bro, I had pct planned like this
    clomid 100/50/50/40
    nolv 40/20/20/20
    mammon suggested clomid 100 the whole time any thoughts?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    At least run it at 100mgs for the first two weeks. 50 for the last two is fine.

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