taking nolva but my question is
sorry that reply was too long and kinda confusing.
I'm trying to run this cycle the "safest" way i can without fkin my hormones up and just starting with one pill, today is the 5th day i've done it.
Am i wasting my time just doing one?
Will the nolva bring me back to normal if i do the recommended 2/2/3/3/ for the spawn ?
i'm just worried about getting that horrible acne again, it got BAD.
my cycle is
Spawn- 2/3/3/3/
Day 1 60mcg
Day 2 60mcg
Day 3 60mcg
Day 4 80mcg
Day 5 80mcg
Day 6 80mcg
Day 7 100mcg
Day 8 100mcg
Day 9 100mcg
Day 10 120mcg
Day 11 120mcg