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Thread: Test E PCT:nolva and HCG

  1. #1

    Test E PCT:nolva and HCG

    8 weeks 250 per week
    was thinking about starting the nolva like my 3rd week..? ive read on a few threads some guys run it all the way through cycle. what do u think?
    THen the HCG like the 7,8,9 week? and continue nolva for about 3 weeks after last injection. Input would be appreciated its a mild cycle cause its my first

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Test should be run longer. 10 weeks minimum in my opinon. no need to start nolva at all during your cycle unless you begin to experience symptoms of gyno, but at that low of a dose i guarantee you will not have any problems. which leads me to my next point. i think the test needs to be bumped up to 400-500mg.

    Now as for post cycle if you ran Nolva until 3 weeks after last injection that would ean your post cycle is only 1 week long. Test E takes about 2 weeks to clear your system. at that time you would want to begin your post cycle and run it 4 weeks at the least.

    the HCG i would start at week 5 and run 250IU 2x/week untill a week before post cycle.

    you also need to think about adding clomid in your post cycle and have an AI handy as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    ^ Fvckin fantanstic post... As usual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    Test should be run longer. 10 weeks minimum in my opinon. no need to start nolva at all during your cycle unless you begin to experience symptoms of gyno, but at that low of a dose i guarantee you will not have any problems. which leads me to my next point. i think the test needs to be bumped up to 400-500mg.

    Now as for post cycle if you ran Nolva until 3 weeks after last injection that would ean your post cycle is only 1 week long. Test E takes about 2 weeks to clear your system. at that time you would want to begin your post cycle and run it 4 weeks at the least.

    the HCG i would start at week 5 and run 250IU 2x/week untill a week before post cycle.

    you also need to think about adding clomid in your post cycle and have an AI handy as well.
    Great post I completely agree

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