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Thread: wtf tattoo triggered gyno??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    SFV , california

    wtf tattoo triggered gyno??

    Im a little worried about this cause I've never had gyno before and im shitting it.
    Im one week in a ph cycle of halodrol-50 @ 50mg/day and i just got a pretty large tattoo covering my entire peck. now the area around the nipple is like numb tender feeling and that nipple refuses to get hard. =\ the peck looks slightly larger than the right one and im freaking out here.

    seem like too early for gyno on a weak ass ph?? anyone with musclar pecks have a tattoo that felt this way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Oh geez...

    If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch. Signs that gyno may be developing are tingling, itchyness, or pain behind the nipple.

    If youve experienced none of this, youre fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    could it be just swollen and your paranoid about getting gyno so your thinking thats what it is? Just throwin ideas out there as I cant see why a tattoo would trigger gyno?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    SFV , california
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Oh geez...

    If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch. Signs that gyno may be developing are tingling, itchyness, or pain behind the nipple.

    If youve experienced none of this, youre fine.
    none of the above

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    SFV , california
    Quote Originally Posted by MercuryEvo View Post
    could it be just swollen and your paranoid about getting gyno so your thinking thats what it is? Just throwin ideas out there as I cant see why a tattoo would trigger gyno?
    yeah i went to the artist and he said hes not sure but something about the damaged blood was sagging down my peck... sounds stupid to me.

    but ill take any answer opposed to man boobs

  6. #6
    Sounds like something related to the actual tattoo. No gyno.

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