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Thread: here is my pct for 13 week test e cycle and 5 weeks of dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    here is my pct for 13 week test e cycle and 5 weeks of dbol

    my cycle is test e @ 500 mg per week and dbol for 5 weeks between 20 and 30 mg daily
    starting hcg 500 iu twice a week during week 9,10,11 and taking 500 iu for 14 days once a day the day after my last test shot... taking nolvadex @ 20mg daily for 30days 14 days after my last shot... so does this look okay... right now I starting week 9 of my cycle just got the hcg....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    My guess is someone will say get everything on hand before ya started.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    i have everything.. I usually never run hcg during my cycle...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I prefer HCG during.

    If your using it the final few weeks or days, you'll need a larger dose to get the leydig cells going again. Something like 500-1000ius/ED. If you get estrogenic sides, use an AI.

    I also like low dose Clomid and Tore for PCT. But Tamox will suffice, although I'd suggets you add another SERM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    so will this look ok for my pct......
    Taking hcg last 4 weeks of cycle @ 500 iu's twice a week. Then the day after last test shot taking hcg 500 iu daily for 14 days. Then 14 days after my last test shot Nolvadex @ 20mg daily for 30 days will this be ok for a 13 week test cycle and 5 weeks of dbol.. does the nolvadex need to be longer or should I take m0re then 20mg daily... thanks

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