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  1. #1
    jd066 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    Done with PCT, but sex drive still low

    Hello everyone!

    I am new to the forums. Signed up awhile back and have been lurking some time before I joined. Hope everyone is having good results in their training and was wondering if I could have some help on where I should go from here.

    My History:
    Been working out since December.

    Stats currently:
    Age: 22 (23 in Nov)
    Wt: 167 lbs
    Ht: 5 9.5
    Bench: 215

    I immediately went to wanting to do AAS, was very ignorant. I went online (I'm an IT Specialist, it's nature to me) and posted on a forum, and got ripped to shreds when I gave my stats, which at the time I was benching 125 and weighing 137.

    So I worked out til about March, got my diet in better check (it still isn't great), but was much better than what it was through researching (ff once a day and nothing but snacks, EEK!).

    I got decent gains and decided to using a PH (dumb), I chose 3ad after my researching because I thought it was very weak. Now here's the kicker, I am idiot I know I know I know. I took 1 200mg shot of test e about 3 weeks in. I ran 6 weeks of it(3ad) and then imediately about 25 days of their "aPCT" and stopped. I did not notice any problems while on but after my PCT which ended sometime around 1.5 months ago I noticed my sex drive dropped a lot. used to be much harder and very easily stood at attention! Now there really isn't a whole lot of drive and my soldier stands with much help but his posture is weak and not like it was before. Also peanuts shrunk as well. I noticed this the other day for real that it wasn't paranoia when trying to hook up for the first time in like 3 months.

    I have kept most of the strength gains. And have put on some good size (although I have dropped about 4 lbs and my arms seem a little smaller).

    My question: Is there anything I can do at this point to get my body back on track and levels back up? I don't have the same motivation and less energy on the weights than I did even before the PHs.
    Last edited by jd066; 07-23-2009 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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  3. #3
    jd066 is offline New Member
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    I also stacked it with their MassFX product. Forgot to add that in.
    4 caps a day of each (the recommended dosage for someone under 200 lbs).

  4. #4
    jd066 is offline New Member
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    Here is a pic of me from yesterday. Not sure of my BF but looks way better than my 137 pic so I didn't do too bad. Just need help getting back to normal levels that way I can do it right. I have learned so much and I see now the right path, truly.

    From reading I have a general outline of what I need to take and why, but I thought this would be better as not everyone is the same and not everyone has taken the exact compounds. So I figured a personal reccomendation from you good folks would suit me the best.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Done with PCT, but sex drive still low-hh.jpg  
    Last edited by jd066; 07-23-2009 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #5
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Ok it sounds like your HPTA did indeed shut down.

    You ran a PCT from the same company that made the PH? Is that correct?

    No OTC PCT will restore you HPTA properly.

    You should run a proper PCT ASAP!

    Here is the best PCT info on this site IMO.

    Swifto's HCG and PCT Advice (Updated:06/15/09)

  6. #6
    jd066 is offline New Member
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    I mean it's not too badly shut down but I don't want to have to try* to perform when I'm only 22. Never had to. Yeah I used the PCT by the manufacturer. I'm not going to touch anything for awhile and just get everything else right. I plan on doing just test e/pct one day.

    I'm going to go with Nova/Clomid or just Nova (I've read bad sides from clomid but the survey on the link you just gave me says those are uncommon?), what dosing should I do? Is the reccomended in that thread good or should I do it differently since I'm in a different time place than a normal PCT? And is their any OTC maybe test boosters or anything I could use now to help get me back on track to gaining or should the SERMs do the trick? I'm still only 167 at 5 9 and feel I haven't closely reached max potential.

    Thanks guys,

    I will give back to the forum. I am a high level IT and if there's any help any of you need with your PC, just let me know. I will go to the PC section as well.
    Last edited by jd066; 07-24-2009 at 07:36 AM.

  7. #7
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    OTC Test boosters wont do shit to stimulate the LH.

    You need SERMs.

    Run the recommended doses in Swiftos sticky.

  8. #8
    DEE151's Avatar
    DEE151 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jd066 View Post
    Here is a pic of me from yesterday. Not sure of my BF but looks way better than my 137 pic so I didn't do too bad. Just need help getting back to normal levels that way I can do it right. I have learned so much and I see now the right path, truly.

    From reading I have a general outline of what I need to take and why, but I thought this would be better as not everyone is the same and not everyone has taken the exact compounds. So I figured a personal reccomendation from you good folks would suit me the best.
    lol funny how one side of your trap is up and the other 1 well you dont have traps.

  9. #9
    jd066 is offline New Member
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    haha, yeah I need to work on them. I'm still learning workout routines etc and how to switch it up. I will be the first to admit I don't have traps.

    Ok thanks for the reccomendation and the help Warmachine. I will get ahold of some research clomid and take the rec. dosages.

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