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Thread: No difference from cycle and PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    No difference from cycle and PCT

    Well the topic says it all.
    I really can't see or feel any difference from when I was "on".
    Im in my first week of pct.


    About 3 weeks since last injection of test.

    I feel fine, fine sex drive, okey energy (a little low calories, on it's way up).

    So what ya think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    - fake gear
    - diet and workout not in check
    - there's a difference that you yourself don't notice

    some before and after pics would help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I packed on plenty of meat trust you me, don't want to put up pictures are this point.
    The gear was real, I could tell it coming it.

    But hey.. I can't complain about this :P

  4. #4
    You contradict your own post :S
    Last edited by patch1334; 08-04-2009 at 07:03 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I think he means that, he doesn't feel the difference from being on gear and then PCT.

    I don't know what gear you cycled, but you probably have alot of gear still in your system.This would explain your situation.If you don't go through post cycle crash, then your one of the lucky few.Wait a few more weeks, and then re-post your results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ^^ Yep+ that was what I ment.

    Yep will give it another few weeks before, and chime in

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Just wait it out.. you did a testosterone only cycle, meaning you didn't shut your natty-test down very hard at all (compared to when throwing a 19-nor into the mix) You should feel very little PCT-depression from such a light cycle.

    After week 3 I find I got acne from the SERMS playing havoc with my estrogen / test levels. Also, you will begin to see any water you're holding shed off slowly during the next month or so. Don't be foolish and assume you're going to maintain 100% of your gains; you'll be lucky if you retain 50% of the weight gained after this PCT + time off is completed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Just wait it out.. you did a testosterone only cycle, meaning you didn't shut your natty-test down very hard at all (compared to when throwing a 19-nor into the mix) You should feel very little PCT-depression from such a light cycle.
    Where do you get this shit? Seriously?

    When your shutdown, your shutdown. You cant be a little bit shutdown or not. You can be inhibited, but there arnt any varying degrees of shutdown.

    Recovery from a testosterone based cycle can be VERY hard for some and easy for others. Just like some recovery fine from using 19-Nor's. Your statement is misleading.

    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    After week 3 I find I got acne from the SERMS playing havoc with my estrogen / test levels. Also, you will begin to see any water you're holding shed off slowly during the next month or so. Don't be foolish and assume you're going to maintain 100% of your gains; you'll be lucky if you retain 50% of the weight gained after this PCT + time off is completed.
    If you keep "50% of your gains" post cycle and the time peroid afterwards, your diet is out. Yeah, you'll lose some of those gains if you dont cycle for a VERY long time afterwards. But stating you'll "be lucky to keep 50% of your gains" is rubbish.

    Many people keep all their gains whilst some only keep around 70-80% if their diet and training is correct.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    For the record I did

    12 - Weeks 350mg test-e, bulking
    8 - weeks 250mg test-e, cutting

    All this in the same cycle (20 weeks).

    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Just wait it out.. you did a testosterone only cycle, meaning you didn't shut your natty-test down very hard at all (compared to when throwing a 19-nor into the mix) You should feel very little PCT-depression from such a light cycle.

    After week 3 I find I got acne from the SERMS playing havoc with my estrogen / test levels. Also, you will begin to see any water you're holding shed off slowly during the next month or so. Don't be foolish and assume you're going to maintain 100% of your gains; you'll be lucky if you retain 50% of the weight gained after this PCT + time off is completed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Where do you get this shit? Seriously?

    When your shutdown, your shutdown. You cant be a little bit shutdown or not. You can be inhibited, but there arnt any varying degrees of shutdown.

    Recovery from a testosterone based cycle can be VERY hard for some and easy for others. Just like some recovery fine from using 19-Nor's. Your statement is misleading.

    If you keep "50% of your gains" post cycle and the time peroid afterwards, your diet is out. Yeah, you'll lose some of those gains if you dont cycle for a VERY long time afterwards. But stating you'll "be lucky to keep 50% of your gains" is rubbish.

    Many people keep all their gains whilst some only keep around 70-80% if their diet and training is correct.
    It's now been... Let's see.
    3.5 weeks total since last inj.
    9 days into PCT. (Clomid, nolva..) 50mg, 20mg..

    I'm feeling fine still. Let's give it another week or two and check back

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    you're lucky man...

    i'm one week into PCT and i swear to god i'm feeling like such a little bitch it's not even funny. i'm really depressed, moody, and emotional. it is a complete 180 from what i felt like on cycle.

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