08-07-2009, 10:47 AM #1
nolva/clomid/proviron and 10day pct results
i got my 10day pct blood work results. the fun part is that my last blood work was 8th week of the cycle after which i continued my cycle for 2weeks and five days more..so the blood work before pct would be more scrwed up than whats showing in the 8th week.
cheers to nolva20/clomid50/proviron25, the wonder pct..only in ten days its got me some amazing results.
8th week and pct values
fsh 0.2 range 1.7-12.0..5.41 nice
Lh 0.18 range 1.1-7.0..5.39 nicer
prolactin 25.81 range 3.46-19.40..20.91 not bad
estradiol 39.0 range 11-44..10.0the answere to my loss of libido
tsh 1.5 range 0.2-5.7.. 3.13 hmmm
cortisol 166 range 50-250..245the only thing im not happy with
test 434 range 166-877.. 241.0 not bad but my question is at 219 which is my natural test level before cycle my libido was kick ass so its weird that at 241 i am having loss of libido..miss estrogen very imp
4th weeek shbg..8.53 range 13-71..24.70 gettin higher,is the proviron working here or clomid getting shbg to go higher
am already taking 2gm vitamin c for cortisol what more can i do to stop it from eating my muscles..
how to up my estrogen to get my libido back,drop the nolva or clomid or keep going with these wonder drugs..
08-07-2009, 10:55 AM #2
Why didn't you consider HCG ?
08-07-2009, 11:19 AM #3
was on a light tbol/var cycle which dont aromatize..being the first cycle and the need for a lean look did not want to complicate putting hcg ,possibly increase the estrogen then use an ai and so on..but i do know the imp of hcg and will surely try it for my next cycle
08-07-2009, 11:40 AM #4
your cycle did not include test, if I understood correctly.
so, how much gain did you achieve? was it worth?
08-07-2009, 12:14 PM #5
did have bhrt test..transdermal..gains were good tight and lean..gained 7kgs..then put in t3 and clen ..lost fat weight 3kgs.. muscles still looking good
08-07-2009, 12:26 PM #6
what did you use for cycle to control the estrogen.
I am about to make my first one and I read test e is fine alone. in case of gyno sides arimidex .
do you agree?
08-07-2009, 12:55 PM #7
it was my frst cycle so i did not do test injectible as i was worried about the bloat and all the sides including gyno..bhrt was expensive but it helped me.no bloat no gyno no acne and it kept lethargy away ad libido super..being your first cycle i would suggest you do an early blood test to see where your estrogen is going..if need be you could add arimidex but remember test takes a while to kick in..keep adex on hand and after an eary blood test make your decision..no need to reduce estrogen if its not bothering you..atleast i would follow this route
08-07-2009, 12:59 PM #8
remember miss estrogen is very imp for libido,cholestrol,joints and muscles
08-07-2009, 02:00 PM #9
08-07-2009, 02:45 PM #10
08-08-2009, 01:45 AM #11
its bioidentical testosterone ..it claims to be identical to the one produced by our body..well i have tried it and must say its easy convenient and you use it daily..but will surely try test e for next cycle..
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