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Thread: I guess my PCT Worked? Blood Test Results...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Independence

    I guess my PCT Worked? Blood Test Results...

    Well I just got back the results (these are averages)

    Quest labs:

    Testosterone 650 (normal range: 250-850)
    Prolactin 4 (normal range: 2-18)
    Cholesterol 217 (down from 297 last year!)

    normal range is per the lab results document

    I got my blood test done 3 days after finishing my PCT supplied by ARR. I ran Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

    I was hoping to hit the blood test when my hormone levels were bottomed out, to try & get some TRT precriptions (I'm 40 & a crooked bastich)...I was also worried I completely shut myself down because I felt terrible. Well, I'm somewhat disappointed BUT relieved that I bounced back quite quickly. And happy I'm not damaged....but is my prolactin a little low? I'm seeing the doc for the follow up in 2 weeks & I'm sure he'll say I'm "strong like horse"!

    In the future should I get my blood test done right when I start PCT? I guess at that point I'll be rock bottom. Just curious...

    But anyway the ARR stuff worked & it's the first time I did PCT, thanks to you all here. Last time I juiced was back in my late 20's, and I or anybody else I knew never did PCT.
    Last edited by Triple Stack; 10-02-2009 at 07:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Wait 4 more weeks and go back to run labs again. Then you will know for sure were you are at! Sometimes your labs could read a little high because of the PCT meds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Independence
    Rats! I'll have to pay out-of-pocket this time....I convinced the doc to test my hormones along with my cholesterol follow-up. So I wonder if my natty test is really fine after all?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple Stack View Post
    Well I just got back the results (these are averages)

    Quest labs:

    Testosterone 650 (normal range: 250-850)
    Prolactin 4 (normal range: 2-18)
    Cholesterol 217 (down from 297 last year!)

    normal range is per the lab results document

    I got my blood test done 3 days after finishing my PCT supplied by ARR. I ran Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

    I was hoping to hit the blood test when my hormone levels were bottomed out, to try & get some TRT precriptions (I'm 40 & a crooked bastich)...I was also worried I completely shut myself down because I felt terrible. Well, I'm somewhat disappointed BUT relieved that I bounced back quite quickly. And happy I'm not damaged....but is my prolactin a little low? I'm seeing the doc for the follow up in 2 weeks & I'm sure he'll say I'm "strong like horse"!

    In the future should I get my blood test done right when I start PCT? I guess at that point I'll be rock bottom. Just curious...

    But anyway the ARR stuff worked & it's the first time I did PCT, thanks to you all here. Last time I juiced was back in my late 20's, and I or anybody else I knew never did PCT.
    What was your cycle?? How long??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple Stack View Post
    Well I just got back the results (these are averages)

    Quest labs:

    Testosterone 650 (normal range: 250-850)
    Prolactin 4 (normal range: 2-18)
    Cholesterol 217 (down from 297 last year!)

    normal range is per the lab results document

    I got my blood test done 3 days after finishing my PCT supplied by ARR. I ran Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

    I was hoping to hit the blood test when my hormone levels were bottomed out, to try & get some TRT precriptions (I'm 40 & a crooked bastich)...I was also worried I completely shut myself down because I felt terrible. Well, I'm somewhat disappointed BUT relieved that I bounced back quite quickly. And happy I'm not damaged....but is my prolactin a little low? I'm seeing the doc for the follow up in 2 weeks & I'm sure he'll say I'm "strong like horse"!

    In the future should I get my blood test done right when I start PCT? I guess at that point I'll be rock bottom. Just curious...

    But anyway the ARR stuff worked & it's the first time I did PCT, thanks to you all here. Last time I juiced was back in my late 20's, and I or anybody else I knew never did PCT.
    Are those the only blood analyses exams you took? and the others?
    Also, have you checked them all before starting your cycle, as well?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Independence
    Too long. It was 15 wks Test-E and Deca (three bottles 10ml each)...afterwards I jumped on 8 wks Avavar to cruise through the summer & look good for vacation. People I knew recommended it & said it will help retain the gains I got. But you guys here said don't do it.

    I know shouldn't have done that & will be more prudent next time around (which won't be for a few months). If I recover okay. Too much time on & I feel it now afterwards. Juice is psychologically addicting I must say, at least for me.

    I didn't check them specifically for test last year, it was general blood work. So no.
    Last edited by Triple Stack; 10-02-2009 at 09:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    So a total of 23 weeks?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    City of Independence
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    So a total of 23 weeks?
    Sounds about right. Go ahead, let the flames begin! I've earned the finger-wagging. I'm a stupid, stupid man but hopefully I can recover and live n' learn.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple Stack View Post
    Sounds about right. Go ahead, let the flames begin! I've earned the finger-wagging. I'm a stupid, stupid man but hopefully I can recover and live n' learn.
    No flames from me bro! I just finished a 24 week. The crazy thing is that I know better!! Get addicted to that feeling of being on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    City of Independence
    Haha, it's good to hear I'm not the only one!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    No you are not the only one. Good to hear that you have recovered well. Was it difficult?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Independence
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    No you are not the only one. Good to hear that you have recovered well. Was it difficult?
    Yes! The 1st week on PCT was cake, but the 2nd week I crashed hard & felt like I had the flu (the feeling crappy part). No energy & ratty. After that I was feeling alot better. Then after PCT was over I was feeling so-so again, and not very motivated. I've missed a few days here & there working out but all in all, I haven't taken a break AT ALL since January. So the rest is probably good.

    Week 3 of my PCT my nuts started aching a little, probably from kicking back into gear. I was blowing huge loads about my last week of PCT. My balls are fully inflated now but I've lost about 10 lbs since, and holding.

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