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Thread: My PCT

  1. #1
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    My PCT

    So back in may I started a 12 week cycle. weeks 1 to 10 deca at 400mg per week and cypionate from weeks 1 to 12 at 400mg per week. After week 13 I dropped to 200mg and ran it til mid september. Now I am prescribed trt at 200mg per week through my doc. In September I decided to come off due to age and other things. Been on TRT for 2 years and in other posts I have discussed how I have come off etc.

    So just to share my experience with you guys. Mid to end of september took my last inject. 9 days ago started PCT using clomiphene at 300mg day 1 days 2 and 3 150mg and 10mg for 7 days. Now using 50mg for 10 days. Also using anastrozle at .5 mg eod.

    I was in fear my sex drive would crash, I would be down in the dumps as always, and lose some of my gains. I also started using NO Xplode as part of my PCT. Just to help me get through workouts.

    I have found my sex drive has never changed(its still ripping). Actually made some gains in the gym and the boys are almost up to size. I thought for sure the deca cycle would have crushed hpta but things are well.

    I get so depressed and emotional from clomiphene. I hate it. I had one day maybe two felt that way and did not want sex for those reasons. I even wake up with a serious diamond cutter in the mornings again.

    So at this point once a year I am going to run a heavy cycle and then follow up with a cruise at 200mg for like 12 weeks again.

    Im starting to wonder if during that cruise my body starts producing again because its not a very high amount. Plus I retained all gains throughout the cycle.

    Just thought I would share my experiences. Any advice or input?

  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    I doubt you producing any natty test.

    I am kind of at a loss as to why you would come off TRT, and run HCG ?

    Unless you are worried about testicular atrophy.

    But, it would make more sense to do the HCG while cruising.

    Either your on TRT of your not.

    Unless your doc is telling you to do that, and if that's the case, I would be interested in why.

    I'm not sure, but I believe I posted something to this effect before.

    Someone was worried about the dangers/health risk to the cardiovascular system.

    Not true, by the way, if it was you.



  3. #3
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Titanium we had a good discussion in the nolv vs anastrozle topic. I talked about my doc bringing me off every few months if you remember.

    Truth be told I think my labs were off when I started TRT. I was cycling and using pro hormones and always testing when my test was low.

    So in 3 weeks I am going for an accurate test. In the past 2 years my diet has changed drastically and I actually feel better right now then when I was on.

    I found myself to be moody and very self centered while on. Very similar to a cycle.

    So I am going to stay off and see how it goes. I have to say I feel amazing for being in the latter part of my PCT.

  4. #4
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Sinn View Post
    Titanium we had a good discussion in the nolv vs anastrozle topic. I talked about my doc bringing me off every few months if you remember.

    Truth be told I think my labs were off when I started TRT. I was cycling and using pro hormones and always testing when my test was low.

    So in 3 weeks I am going for an accurate test. In the past 2 years my diet has changed drastically and I actually feel better right now then when I was on.

    I found myself to be moody and very self centered while on. Very similar to a cycle.

    So I am going to stay off and see how it goes. I have to say I feel amazing for being in the latter part of my PCT.
    My natty test just came back @ 227.

    I feel like shit when I'm off cycle.

    TRT is immanent at this point.

    But, I don't care. I would rather pin once a week then feel like crap.

    44 years old, so I don't really care at this point.

    But, I do remember that conversation with you now.

    I think that you can try that approach, but I think that eventually, you end up with the rest of us.

    At least we don't have to bother with PCT anymore.

    Just cruising along..........................



  5. #5
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Eventually Im sure. I would like to see where I come back at. Right now I feel good. And thats what is most important. So I am gonna at least hold out until my next bloodwork in like 3 weeks and take it from there.

  6. #6
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    If I am not going to be on TRT based on how long I have been using test how long until I should do an actual real cycle. It has been 3 months at 200mg. But Im sure my body needs a break

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