Hi I am 4 weeks into a 2ml deca / 2 ml Sus per week cycle. I have basically been misxing 1ml sus with 1 ml deca in a pin and taking on a monday and doing the same on a Friday. My diet is pretty good at the minute and I have seen decent gains of 7 pound weight gain, which Im pretty sure is all muscle as although Im bigger I look far leaner than I did 4 weeks ago. And no side affects what so ever other than an increased sex drive. So far so good. However I have gone into this a little blind and have taken no post cycle therepy drugs so far. I have been reading a lot oj line and everyone seems to reccommend taking something or other.
What would you recommend I take and when?
I was planning to complete the cycle at 8 weeks, does this sound about right?
Any other advise would be greatly appreciated.