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  1. #1
    rasputin75 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009

    Smile Need help with my first deca/test cycle, plz

    Hi everyone,
    I will be starting my first deca /test cycle soon. I injured my left shoulder boxing about 6 months ago that resulted in a never ending tendonitis. I tried different things like corticosteroid shots, PT, icing, motrin, no avail. Finally I decided to try acupuncture and I'm 50% better...I decided to do a cycle of deca at about 300mg/wk x10 wks. My main goal was to help with tendonitis rather than to get big. I'm 6'1 and 175. Im very athletic. I have a great cardio. I run, did a lot of boxing (before the injury), did a lot of push-ups, pull-up, crossfit style exercises, did some weights and kettlebelts. My workouts were never intended to get big but rather strong and cut. I wouldn't mind getting 10-12 Ibs of quality muscle but not more than that. So I wanted to do a deca only cycle because of the well know joint pain alleviating property of deca. But after doing an extensive research I figured out that deca only cycle may not be the safest bet and that I would need some test at about 1:1 ratio (sorry I don't want to do deca/test 1:2 like a lot of bros suggest). I really dread doing test mostly because of possible hair loss...and acne.I'm 33 and I do like my hair!!! I also had a course of accuten about a year ago for a mild to moderate case of bacne. Here's my first question guys: what would be the best thing to add for hair loss prevention in a deca/test cycle? My second question is: what pct will I need to run afterwards? (i was thinking to have nolvadex on hand available just in case, and to do hcg (what dose?) and clomid (2-3 weeks after the last shot of deca). I would appreciate you suggestions. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    OK, I'm not going to get into all the things that are wrong here, as it is all sorted.

    My honest advice would be to keep reading here and learning about the compounds you want to do.

    You are learning, but not ready.

    Books are great for this purpose.

    The gear will do nothing for your tendinitis though.

    (I wish it did).

    Deca , bad choice first go around.

    I could go on, but need to go to other posts.

    Keep up the reading and learning, as this is your most beneficial tool.



  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Agreed with above 100% I am in cycle 3 using Deca /Test. It has done nothing or very little for my lower back and should problems but that was not my main goal, only a hopeful side effect but not...

    OK with each of your questions use the search function. There are many threads on PCT, hair loss and all the above.

    As stated, read and learn

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