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Thread: How long until back to Normal?

  1. #1

    How long b4 HCG improves libido & fertility?

    I am a very worried wife (newly wed),

    My hubby just started the hcg after a long time off. He is prescribed 250mgs 3x a week.

    Our sex life is at 0, and I was wondering how long it will take b4 he has his drive back? And does it help with it lasting longer (the act).

    Also, there are soo many contradictory reports about sterility and steroids, and now that we have HCG is there a chance of getting pregnant even though he is still on steroids, and is there a chance of not having children if he did not have the proper pct for a long period of time.

    I really appreciate all your feedback, my husband is realy reluctant to talk about all this stuff so if you guys can help that would be great.

    Btw: the low sex drive is 100% from the probs with hormones, not my looks. Doctor confirmed and all
    Last edited by SnowM; 11-09-2009 at 04:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Slow down for a second, please tell us what your husband has been using and what he is currently using. Is he on or off right now in one part you say he started hcg after a long time off then you ask about getting pregnant even though he is still on which is it?

  3. #3
    To be honest I am not 100% sure exactly what he is taking, the bottle just says testosterone. I am not sure about his cycles, when he is on or off; He doesnt open up much about all this. He is using HCG with testosterone.
    I ask about getting pregnant because I am confused; he tells me he cant really ever come off the T and this is one of the reasons the Dr. prescribed HCG. He said it will help with fertility. Most of the years that he has been on T he did not have proper pct (most of the time none). We suspect that his lake of it (pct) has caused his ED, and prematureness, and low libido (which is going on for 1yr)

    So I guess my concern is will the 3 issues mentioned above (re:sex) be fixed, if so how soon after he is back on HCG? (250mg 3x/week of HCG). Also, does HCG help with fertility if used along with T.

    He has been on T since about 23-24 he is now 35 which is another reason for my worry. I have seen articles about permanent infertility due to steroids if not followed with proper pct over a long period of time. Is that true?

    Are their men out there who are are on T and have "normal" sex lives and children? (Might be a stupid question but the image associated with the use of steroids is young, single men, no children in sight)

    I hope this helps. Thanks for your reply

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    HCG only increases fertility in women not men to the best of my knowledge. If he never comes off there is a chance he will never be able to have children though there are many people who have healthy babies while on cycles. Normally sex drive should be through the roof while on test. He may have high estrogen and should get full blood work done to check this. If this is the case then ther eare easy fixes for that problem such as arimidex which the doctor should be able to prescribe to him. A temporary quick fix would be some cialis but that is not a cure.

  5. #5
    We had it checked and the previous testosterone he was using was no good so he ended up with low levels of T (300-350). The dr. prescribed him new Testosterone, along with HCG. Do you think this will help now that his T levels will go up? How high should T levels be when on Testosterone?

    I checked your statement about the HCG being for women and it seems that is does help men as well (re: fertility). Is armidix a permanent fix?

    Do you think he could have permanently messed things up b/c he didnt use pct?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    How long has he been taking the prescribed testosterone? that should help bring the levels back up fairly quickly. Arimidex is only to combat estrogen in the body but if he still just has low test levels that wont help either. The prescribed test should bring his level back up and fix the issues. Was he buying his own before this prescription?

  7. #7

    He started the prescribed on sat morning.. And still no results

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It will take a couple of weeks before the full effects kick in so you need to be patient with this. He probably got prescribed Test Enanthate or Cyponate which both take around 4 weeks to take full effect though the labido increase should come earlier than that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    So, he has been on test for 12 years?

    Is this a TRT thing?

    I think there is some mis communication going on here.

    I can straighten this out, and help you.

    I just need to break it down so everything is understood.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    HCG can be used for fertility reasons for both.

    It stimulates the testees, We use it to keep testicle size and function.

    Adex is used for an AI, but also stimulates the testees to make testosterone.

    His lacking PCT could have shut him down, This would be the testes becoming de-sensitized.

    The HPTA, in us gets shut down when steroids are not used correctly, or pct was not ran correctly.

    There is alot to know here, so I am trying to help you with the info I am reading.

    Red is right, in the way that it would take at least 4 wks to kick in.

    350 is on the low side, but not under the boards.
    Last edited by TITANIUM; 11-09-2009 at 06:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    How long has he been taking the prescribed testosterone? that should help bring the levels back up fairly quickly. Arimidex is only to combat estrogen in the body but if he still just has low test levels that wont help either. The prescribed test should bring his level back up and fix the issues. Was he buying his own before this prescription?

    OK, perscribed test will only further suppress his own natty test.

    It may help his labido, but not his natty test.

    Can he ejaculate at all?(I know personal question, but it needs to be asked).

    He may have no sperm count.

    He would need to have this checked.

    Do you understand this so far?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    HCG only increases fertility in women not men to the best of my knowledge. If he never comes off there is a chance he will never be able to have children though there are many people who have healthy babies while on cycles. Normally sex drive should be through the roof while on test. He may have high estrogen and should get full blood work done to check this. If this is the case then ther eare easy fixes for that problem such as arimidex which the doctor should be able to prescribe to him. A temporary quick fix would be some cialis but that is not a cure.


    He needs to find out if he can have children, sterility may have happened.

    That's what I'm trying to find out.

    But, I think he may be dysfunctional at this time.

    Not good news, but he needs to get things checked out.

    I hate these situations.

    Yes, there may be hope, but you would need to pursue that venue.

    See what transpires in the following weeks.

    Let me know what's up, and I can try to help you more.



  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    It will take a couple of weeks before the full effects kick in so you need to be patient with this. He probably got prescribed Test Enanthate or Cyponate which both take around 4 weeks to take full effect though the labido increase should come earlier than that.
    Thanks, I was getting a little antsy because he said it should work within a few hours. But Ive waited a year, whats another few weeks. :/

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post

    He needs to find out if he can have children, sterility may have happened.

    That's what I'm trying to find out.

    But, I think he may be dysfunctional at this time.

    Not good news, but he needs to get things checked out.

    I hate these situations.

    Yes, there may be hope, but you would need to pursue that venue.

    See what transpires in the following weeks.

    Let me know what's up, and I can try to help you more.


    I think he might be on TRT Ive heard him mention TRT a few times. I didnt know there was a difference.

    Yes to the umm.. ejaculation question. Which from my research means he isn't absolutely sterile right?

    When you say dysfunctional what do you mean? Never work again or repairable?

    Also how can he get tested for sterility when he is on steroids, wont he come out as sterile unless the hcg kicks in?

    Sorry for tall the questions, its hard to talk to him about it and I am genuinely confused b/c all of my research seems contradictory. Since he is not freaking out about I assumed he knew he wasn't sterile but now my research seems to point the other way.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ejaculation does not mean he is sterile, but it helps me know what is going on somewhat.

    Dysfunctional doesn't mean that it is completely or a non repairable situation, but it may be that.

    He can get tested for fertility on or off cycle, it's just a sperm count issue.(this is why I asked about the ejaculation question).

    I know of members that have complete and total testicular shutdown.




  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    He should probably man up and understand your concerns and come here and post himself, his behaviour with juice has led you to have questions about your future, denial is not really constructive in this kind of situation, he may be embarassed but nobody knows him here what s the harm...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    how long has he been on gear without stopping?? he may have to take test forever now

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