Been researching how to increase test levels and libido, Anyone tried using Maca during PCT to increase levels? here is some info I found on it... let me know what you think.
"Maca is made out of a combination of alkaloids that stimulate certain parts of the brain (such as the hypophysis and the hypothalamus) to produce different kinds of hormones (testosterone) that improve the sex drive and the libido.
Maca normalises the steroid hormones such as testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone. This means that Maca causes the endocrine system in both the male and the female body to produce hormones (such as testosterone) up to a level needed for the body to function in a healthy and natural way. By doing so, Maca can improve the sex drive in a natural way."
"Scientist Gustavo Gonzales, associated to the Peruvian Cayateno Heredia University, is the first scientist to have studied the effects of Maca on people*. During 3 months, he has administered Maca to 9 volunteers. His conclusions where an increase of 180 to 200% of the libido and a doubled sperm production. After 2 weeks of use, Maca provided a strongly increased "desire for sex", says Gonzales. The same study also pointed out that Maca brings down the blood pressure and that there are no negative side effects for the heart."