What is better to use when during a tren and test cycle? AI's in my case arimidex or serms, in my case nolvadex.
And which of the two have a better safety profile used long term. I;ve used proviron in small doses (25mg) for months, just to keep my estrogen under control and it's very safe to use, apart from dht side effects.
Arimidex and nolvadex I have no experience with. arimidex looks like overkill and i've read it's harsh on the liver. Nolva has hair thinning and deep vein trombosis listed as side effects, yet from what i understand nolva is still one of the favorite SERM's to block estrogen and pct wise
So for drug side effects and estrogen control, which one is the safest for long term use?
Many thanks.