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Thread: Worried about gyno, but then who's not?

  1. #1

    Worried about gyno, but then who's not?

    In the next few months i am going to begin my first cycle.

    week 1-12 500mg test cyp
    week 15-19 40mg nolva

    I am very worried about gyno especially I am currently on HRT with androderm 5mg. I was wondering if the androderm would help with pct or should I stack during pct? I am not 100% sold on clomid yet seems like alot more sides. Is there actually a thing as too much pct? Any and all help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AdverageJoe View Post
    In the next few months i am going to begin my first cycle.

    week 1-12 500mg test cyp
    week 15-19 40mg nolva

    I am very worried about gyno especially I am currently on HRT with androderm 5mg. I was wondering if the androderm would help with pct or should I stack during pct? I am not 100% sold on clomid yet seems like alot more sides. Is there actually a thing as too much pct? Any and all help appreciated.
    Need stats. Have you considered asking your doc about just putting you on inject-able test? How long have you been on

  3. #3
    I just started TRT this month, I went in for bloodwork to figure out my cycleand low and behold I actually need test. my level was 189. I tried to get the doc to give me injectables and he said they were illeagle to prescribe,wtf news to me! As for stats:


    the reason I am waiting a few months to cycle is so I can drop this water weight I put on from anti depressants Im on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AdverageJoe View Post
    I just started TRT this month, I went in for bloodwork to figure out my cycleand low and behold I actually need test. my level was 189. I tried to get the doc to give me injectables and he said they were illeagle to prescribe,wtf news to me! As for stats:


    the reason I am waiting a few months to cycle is so I can drop this water weight I put on from anti depressants Im on.
    What time of day did you have blood drawn? what time did you wake the day of blood draw? Have you taken a look at the sides from the antidepressant? Is it possible that that in itself has lowered your test level?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by AdverageJoe View Post
    I just started TRT this month, I went in for bloodwork to figure out my cycleand low and behold I actually need test. my level was 189. I tried to get the doc to give me injectables and he said they were illeagle to prescribe,wtf news to me! As for stats:


    the reason I am waiting a few months to cycle is so I can drop this water weight I put on from anti depressants Im on.

    This could be complicated.

    Your pct needs clomid or running tore with it.

    I do not know what anti's you are taking. But I suspect that there would be no interaction.

    The creams and patches of test are all junk.

    Go to another Dr, and get a script for injectable test.



  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    What time of day did you have blood drawn? what time did you wake the day of blood draw? Have you taken a look at the sides from the antidepressant? Is it possible that that in itself has lowered your test level?
    Had my blood taken about 1030am and I woke up around 730am. It was a fasting test b/c they wanted to check my sugar levels. I take citalopram and trazodone which from what I have read doesnt do anything to test levels. Water weight is another thing though, maybe that is causing higher estro levels??

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