i would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me on the difference between nolvadex and clomid.i get that they're both serms(and have a very similar chemical structure) but what exactly is their mechanism of action and how to they restore the hpta? also, would running them at high doses and/or too early just be a waste (in addition to unnecessary risk/exposure to side effects) or would it have a negative impact on pct via the desensitizing the pituary to GnRH (i've read this in the abstract of an article in a peer reviewd journal)
also i was wondering whether arom. inhibitors have any use during pct, since inhibting the metabolization of test into estradiol would seemingly serve the same purpose as serms as far as eliminating the inhibitory/suppressive effect of e levels on the hpta...would off cycle use of ai affect hpta function in a healthy individual? also would they be effective drug treatment for mild persistent gyno? thanks in advance