I wrote in about a month ago about a crash I had and asked some question about a failed pct. I broke my neck and failed to start a pct as I was going to have surgery although it did not happen. When I crashed I went to see my doctor on 10/16 Test@ 10ng/dl FSH/LH 2.0 2.4 Went to see Endo. Blood on 11/9 Test 60ngdl FSH/LH 3.4 1.2 .Blood on 12/14 Test 180ng/dl FSH/LH 3.6 3.4
Was running test 200 Deca 200 wk 16 wk cycle with deca last 4 weeks. Asked if it was too late to run a pct and had answers to "start pct asap", and" trust your endo". I have so far trusted my endo however although my numbers are increasing He says my Test should level out at around 200. 200!!!! Now i'm not trusting him so much, and I still feel like **** after 3 months. Am 45yrs and have successfully cycled for the last 10 yrs, some say hCG NOW but the info on how much is contradicting. I could go on... This is a tough one.. What do you pros think??