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Greetings. I am doing some researching on PCT. I already have my PCT layed out for the cycle I am on so no worries there. I also found lots of info on aggressive PCT protocols. But I want know know about light PCT, or more so the effects of small dosages of AAS and the need for PCT at all. Here are a couple of quick scenarios (no I am not running these I am on TesteE 500pw 12 weeks, +dbol kick) could people comment on the need for PCT or not and the amount for like lets say a 25 year old. I am trying to get an idea on how PCT scales with gear.
1) Small Dbol - 10mg Dbol ED for 14 weeks.
2) Test prop 250 per week / 6 weeks.
3) Shorty - Dbol 30mg ED / Test prop 600 week - 6 weeks.
Thanks and hope my post makes sense.