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Thread: PCT small / medium / large.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East

    PCT small / medium / large.

    Greetings. I am doing some researching on PCT. I already have my PCT layed out for the cycle I am on so no worries there. I also found lots of info on aggressive PCT protocals. But I want know know about light PCT, or more so the effects of small dosages of AAS and the need for PCT at all. Here are a couple of quick scenerios (no I am nto running these I am on TesteE 500pw 12 weeks, +dbol kick) could people comment on the need for PCT or not and the ammount for like lets say a 25 year old. I am trying to get an idea on how PCT scales with gear.
    1) Small Dbol - 10mg Dbol ED for 14 weeks.
    2) Test prop 250 per week / 6 weeks.
    3) Shorty - Dbol 30mg ED / Test prop 600 week - 6 weeks.
    Thanks and hope my post makes sense.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    Greetings. I am doing some researching on PCT. I already have my PCT layed out for the cycle I am on so no worries there. I also found lots of info on aggressive PCT protocols. But I want know know about light PCT, or more so the effects of small dosages of AAS and the need for PCT at all. Here are a couple of quick scenarios (no I am not running these I am on TesteE 500pw 12 weeks, +dbol kick) could people comment on the need for PCT or not and the amount for like lets say a 25 year old. I am trying to get an idea on how PCT scales with gear.
    1) Small Dbol - 10mg Dbol ED for 14 weeks.
    2) Test prop 250 per week / 6 weeks.
    3) Shorty - Dbol 30mg ED / Test prop 600 week - 6 weeks.
    Thanks and hope my post makes sense.

    1)You don't want to even think about doing this. There is no test in the equation, and the d-bol is at a insufficient does to be effective.

    2) Test would need to go up in mgs to at least 500 mgs.The cycle is to short, even for a short ester. Again really not sufficient to really be effective.

    3)This is the closest cycle proposed to being effective. I would bump the d-bol up to 40 mgs ed. And run the test out to at least 8 weeks.

    Short esters need to be injected more often. ED to EOD.

    So, if we use the last one, and change it a little, you need a pct protocol anyways.

    You really need to run gear at the suggested amounts and lengths to be beneficial.

    Don't try to side step PCT protocols. There are short cycles that people run, but it is dependent on what they are trying to achieve.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    I know - I am not goign to run any of these cycles. I mention that in the OP.
    I am just trying to learn how PCT scales.
    Any comments on that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    I know - I am not goign to run any of these cycles. I mention that in the OP.
    I am just trying to learn how PCT scales.
    Any comments on that.
    I understand that.

    Your asking hypothetical questions, and I am breaking them down, that's all.

    In my opinion, if you are going to run a PCT, then why not run a full cycle and full PCT anyways?

    There aren't really "scales for PCT", so to speak.

    Depends on what you are trying to achieve.

    Hypothetically speaking.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    Ok let me come at this another way.
    Lets say I am on Dbol 10mg a day for 6 weeks. (Useless I know).
    Do I need PCT at all, if so how much.

  6. #6
    yes you will still need a pct your natural test levels will still be lowered...and i can't really suggest a pct for this as no body would even think of running something like that....

    To maybe help you....One way you could look at is say for the cycle your currently doing you don't need a super aggresive pct the following pct would suffice imo
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    I ran a cycle just like yours over the summer with this pct and it did absolute wonders for me i recovered very well and managed to retain most of my gains....this is a good pct for the cycle your running

    But if your running something say like deca or tren with test you would need some thing more aggresive as tren and deca shut you down harder and its harder to return your natural test levels back to normal therefore imo it you need a little extra help to bounce back
    ie adding HCG to the above pct would be very beneficial in returning your test levels back to normal....

    A big part of the pct depends on the compounds your running some cycles you could get away with less and others you need a little extra....

    hope this helps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    Yes - I understand but it seems that PCT must scale.
    I wonder what your body does if you OVER do your PCT.
    I cant help but think the following must be true:

    1) Small Dbol - 10mg Dbol ED for 14 weeks.
    My PCT Guess: Nolva - 20/10/10 Done
    2) Test prop 250 per week / 6 weeks.
    My PCT Guess: Nolva - 30/20/20 HCG 500/500/250 Done
    3) Shorty - Dbol 30mg ED / Test prop 600 week - 6 weeks.
    My PCT Guess: Nolva - 40/20/20/20 HCG 500/500/250/250 Done

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    Bump. Since I can not figure out if the PCT protocal scales or not.

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