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Thread: my natural test is back!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    my natural test is back!

    Finally after years i have natural test back! i done months on hcg 500iu eod 40mg nolva and i also added TribuPro not sure if its helping but but my balls are hanging loosly and my sex drive is good! wanking and ****ing as much as i can! :-)

    I personaly think that the TribuPro works i got 3 for the price of 2 off ebay not sure if its still on but i an staying on that now till i run out and as always with me i am taking more then the recomended dose lol. hehe

    Next time i do cycle i will be def doing 12 weeks hcg during clomid and nolva after! I have lernt my lesson being shut down for a months is not nice :-( i think last time i had natural test was over a year ago!!!

    So all you first timers LISTEN to us get your pct ready before your cousre!!!!

    deca dick is not good!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    the place i love the most
    Im happy for you man, good going

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    fl/pa.. Beatin cheeks!
    [QUOTE=skeldno;5009094]Finally after years i have natural test back! i done months on hcg 500iu eod 40mg nolva and i also added TribuPro not sure if its helping but but my balls are hanging loosly and my sex drive is good! wanking and ****ing as much as i can! :-)

    I personaly think that the TribuPro works i got 3 for the price of 2 off ebay not sure if its still on but i an staying on that now till i run out and as always with me i am taking more then the recomended dose lol. hehe

    Next time i do cycle i will be def doing 12 weeks hcg during clomid and nolva after! I have lernt my lesson being shut down for a months is not nice :-( i think last time i had natural test was over a year ago!!!

    So all you first timers LISTEN to us get your pct ready before your cousre!!!!

    deca dick is not good![/QUOTe I wont even place an order anymore unless all my pct products are available! deca dick is not a good thing!! lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Cheers mate :-) Im gonna hit some test e deca tren e and oxy's i think for my next cycle with 500iu of hcg a week in 2 dose followed buy nolva and clen and 20mg nolva throughout! not for a few weeks though with the custody with my sone i will sort that first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    Yea proper PCT can be really good, and I'm glad you're feeling better man. I had some major problems after a heavy deca cycle not knowing what HCG was at the time, my dude just had AAS. You can't make Pregnyl in your basement.

    HCG during... I prefer nolva if any gyno but it only happened once and it was a cycle w/ test prop, tren, and halotestin. Got some seepage from the nips... nolva stopped it right away. Clomid and Adex have been what use and my blood work lately shows higher levels of testosterone than before cycling so imagine that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I havent had my bloods done but the fact im shagging like a rabbit and wanking all the time is a pretty good sign! I think im hornyer no then wen i was on lol!

    i only finished my last bottle of hcg bout 2 weeks ago but still doing nolvaer as for some reason i keep finding strips lol

  7. #7
    What was the cycle that shut you down?

  8. #8
    SKEL I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel hornier than when you were on! I myself am using HCG and Tamox in my pct. Testes are back and kickin! Do you notice how much bigger your loads are? When I ejaculate it is like shooting a full squirt gun, stream after stream! My girls loves it! Also, my BF% seems to be going down, esp. in my abdomen.

  9. #9
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
    Join Date
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    good work mate. now try not to blow it away again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    good stuff man.....good to hear!!!!!!

  11. #11
    SKELDNO, how many months of HCG did u use?

    I'm shut down after deca. For 6 months now, cant get re-booted, losing everything. Was ordering some HCG and tamox, just wondering how much I should get.

    How many weeks/months into the tamox and hcg did it take to get back your sex drive?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New Jersey
    Thats great news bro!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JHeisman1 View Post
    SKELDNO, how many months of HCG did u use?

    I'm shut down after deca. For 6 months now, cant get re-booted, losing everything. Was ordering some HCG and tamox, just wondering how much I should get.

    How many weeks/months into the tamox and hcg did it take to get back your sex drive?

    HCG should get you back fairly quick , take clomid/nolva with it . i found

    it is the most effective pct combination i ever tried , especially for a deca


    i believe you can recover with that in about 6 weeks. but nobody can tell for


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bay Area
    Thats good to hear bro!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yep! I didn't really mind having a low drive but my girl gave me shit about! First cycle test-e 500wk and dek 400wk 10 and 12wk not a real strong cycle but still shutem down. For like 4 months. I did have speratic boners tho lol! Gained 22 pounds and only lost like 5lbs guess not to bad. But I know better now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Welcome back to erection city, haha. This is the reason I've stayed away from deca so far, test is best. It promotes sex, not decreases it!

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