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Thread: First cycle what pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    First cycle what pct

    Hi all.

    I'm going to be starting a D-bol only cycle in a few weeks, I'm training every week 3 times, monday wednesday and friday for one hour. I've been doing my research about all the possible side effects. I'm not looking to get excessively big but would like a good bulk of muscle! I've never done roids and think d.bol is a good choice upon my research.

    Taking 25mg daily, spacing out through out the day, Just want to know from anyone else thats done d-bol only cycle what pct they used and when?

    Do I cycle the d-bol for 4-6 weeks then wait 2 weeks then pct with nolvadex? 0r letro? A body builder I know he's pretty big bigger than I want to be and he said he's only ever done d-bol but he did it for 2 weeks then had a week off then did another 2 weeks and so on, he's never used any pct and has gains? Obviously I haven't seen him with his top off so not sure if he has bitch tits lol. I don't want to risk anything or f**k my body up so what would be suggested

    Any comments welcome.


    p.s don't bite my head off because your all professionals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Boyracer1988 View Post
    Hi all.

    I'm going to be starting a D-bol only cycle in a few weeks, I'm training every week 3 times, monday wednesday and friday for one hour. I've been doing my research about all the possible side effects. I'm not looking to get excessively big but would like a good bulk of muscle! I've never done roids and think d.bol is a good choice upon my research.

    Taking 25mg daily, spacing out through out the day, Just want to know from anyone else thats done d-bol only cycle what pct they used and when?

    Do I cycle the d-bol for 4-6 weeks then wait 2 weeks then pct with nolvadex? 0r letro? A body builder I know he's pretty big bigger than I want to be and he said he's only ever done d-bol but he did it for 2 weeks then had a week off then did another 2 weeks and so on, he's never used any pct and has gains? Obviously I haven't seen him with his top off so not sure if he has bitch tits lol. I don't want to risk anything or f**k my body up so what would be suggested

    Any comments welcome.


    p.s don't bite my head off because your all professionals.

    Dbol cycle is no good, especially for the first cycle.

    If you are under 25 years old, then you know about the HPTA factor, correct?

    Your work outs seem very light in nature.

    I do not know what kind of base you have also.

    2/3 years solid training is needed at a minumum before running gear.

    And please do not listen to your friend..........



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    HPTA you mean the growth factor, I was told it was 21 when bones n stuff stop growing. Dbol i've read seams ok to gain mass and muscle but must be worked to keep gains. I've not been training for 1 year yet let alone 3 lol.

    when you say base do you mean what am i taking it with? nothing...

    I only want to try it, see how it feels how I feel when working with it. I'm not going to be doing any sort of needle work at this moment cus yes i am a wussy haha.

    So just wanted to know which pct would suite best for just the dbol cycle please or what did you / anyone else use whilst doing a dbol cycle if you have ever done just a cycle on it with nothing else.

    and no im not listening to my friend, hes actually just a work colegue and a bit of an idiot haha.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I've not been training for 1 year yet let alone 3 lol.
    That means you have not developed your muscles enough, you will increase your chances of injury.
    HPTA you mean the growth factor, I was told it was 21 when bones n stuff stop growing. Dbol i've read seams ok to gain mass and muscle but must be worked to keep gains. I've not been training for 1 year yet let alone 3 lol.
    The bones fusing is one factor but they are reffering to your hormonal system never maturing and leaving you with the chance of needing hrt for life.

    Also your labido will be crap while on cycle. DBOL alone isnt worth it anyways.

  5. #5
    Oh wow, do yourself a favour and do not, repeat do not touch a dbol cycle. You have zero knowledge of what you are doing. HPTA is not growth factor, it has nothing to do with growth factor, it is your gonads son and you'll be sorry if you don't go learn about it first before eating dbols. Yeah yeah you will see results, yeah yeah you will get stronger while taking the pills, but you will not get ripped, you will get puffy. Judging by your training history you will lose 100% of your gains and probably won't train after you come off the gear cuz you for some reason 'don't feel like it today'. When I did my first cycle 10 years ago I knew nothing of pct, nothing of hpta, nothing about anything other than the needle goes in my ass cheek. Luckily my cycle was mild enough that I escaped unscathed and life was normal, plus I was competetive athlete and knew how to train HARD! (my 1st cycle was 250mg organon sust/wk for 10 wks, actually 8 wks cuz I broke two amps **** lol, no pct no AI and I gained a very puffy 20 lbs cuz I ate and ate and ate and trained religiously, but I still lost most of the weight after)
    I recomend you head to GNC or whatever nutrition store that sells creatine and protien and all that and load up, train for at minimum 2 years intensly while learning about aas, then maybe take the leap. By then you'll know that a dbol only cycle is STUPID.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    d suggest training more, before a cycle, and your first cycle should be test only. You should also start researching pct.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    yeah ive been reading and thinking, I think a test cycle will have to be done. I'll bite the bullet and deal with the needle in my ass haha.

    I do need to buckle up on my training and knowledge but im guna go ahead with a test. I'll take a look at some pct also. Any advice for just test or should I just do more reading haha.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    this is the anabolic steroids questions and answers forum - got loads of info for first time roid takers
    this is the educational thread with injection info, blood work etc - some info on testosterone

    have a read of them all before you decide whether steroids are right for you. Only advice I can give you for your first course is to plan, plan, and plan some more. You also need someone or somewhere to be able to get sound advice from. Beginners can be naive to the steroid world and the potential dangers of steroids if they don't do their research before hand. Don't worry about getting shot down for wanting to do a dbol only course, I know plenty of people who have made that mistake, but like the others guys say, test would be the best way to go. Good luck with your research.

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