Hi all.
I'm going to be starting a D-bol only cycle in a few weeks, I'm training every week 3 times, monday wednesday and friday for one hour. I've been doing my research about all the possible side effects. I'm not looking to get excessively big but would like a good bulk of muscle! I've never done roids and think d.bol is a good choice upon my research.
Taking 25mg daily, spacing out through out the day, Just want to know from anyone else thats done d-bol only cycle what pct they used and when?
Do I cycle the d-bol for 4-6 weeks then wait 2 weeks then pct with nolvadex? 0r letro? A body builder I know he's pretty big bigger than I want to be and he said he's only ever done d-bol but he did it for 2 weeks then had a week off then did another 2 weeks and so on, he's never used any pct and has gains? Obviously I haven't seen him with his top off so not sure if he has bitch tits lol. I don't want to risk anything or f**k my body up so what would be suggested
Any comments welcome.
p.s don't bite my head off because your all professionals.