Hey guys. I am about to start my very first cycle and I have a lot of questions. I have been looking information up, but cannot find the answers to the exact questions I need answered.
First of all, I am going to be starting Test Enth and taking it twice a week, every fourth day. My first question is, would it be beneficial to stack a pro hormone on top? I have a pro hormone stack that I have not taken yet, but did not know if this would just mess me up more than help. I am wanting to bulk up, but Im 22, so I'm still very young.
Also, I am not sure WHAT to use for my PCT. Should I just start an estrogen blocker as soon as my cycle ends and start a test booster...? I understand what SERMs do and all that, but I'm confused on which products are really beneficial. I just want to keep as much of the weight I gain as I can--which a lot will come from good diet and my workout plan--which I keep under control. I just need to know what exactly to take and when to start to keep the gyno away and raise my natural test levels so that I'm not damaged by my cycle.
Thanks to anyone for the advice--Hope this isn't placed in the wrong Forum.