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Thread: First Cycle--Need Advice

  1. #1

    Question First Cycle--Need Advice

    Hey guys. I am about to start my very first cycle and I have a lot of questions. I have been looking information up, but cannot find the answers to the exact questions I need answered.

    First of all, I am going to be starting Test Enth and taking it twice a week, every fourth day. My first question is, would it be beneficial to stack a pro hormone on top? I have a pro hormone stack that I have not taken yet, but did not know if this would just mess me up more than help. I am wanting to bulk up, but Im 22, so I'm still very young.

    Also, I am not sure WHAT to use for my PCT. Should I just start an estrogen blocker as soon as my cycle ends and start a test booster...? I understand what SERMs do and all that, but I'm confused on which products are really beneficial. I just want to keep as much of the weight I gain as I can--which a lot will come from good diet and my workout plan--which I keep under control. I just need to know what exactly to take and when to start to keep the gyno away and raise my natural test levels so that I'm not damaged by my cycle.

    Thanks to anyone for the advice--Hope this isn't placed in the wrong Forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    you should really wait till you're 24/25 before doing your first course......but i know how it is being a young buck just wanting to get bigger, if you're determined to go ahead with a test enth ONLY course here is your PCT.
    Start pct 14 days after last injection of test enth
    Nolvadex (weeks 1 - 4) @ 40/40/20/20
    Clomid (weeks 1 - 4) @ 150/100/50/50
    vitamin c 1g in the morning 3g post-workout (keeps the cortisol levels down)
    thats all I would do for my pct
    the need for hcg really depends on the length of your course, how long are you looking on running it for?

  3. #3
    Doing 10 weeks. I know--too young..but you're right. I am well aware of the risks and I am serious about my workouts and have been for sometime so believe me, I'm not jumping into this lightly--I appreciate the advice and concerns. So what about a test booster..? I am just very concerned about the recoop--getting my test levels back to normal. The nolva and chlomid--is there any brand name that is better than another or do I just buy it as a supplement and that's that? And the vitamin just get in some pill form? Thanks for the advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    if you're doing 10 weeks then perhaps extend your pct to 5 or 6 weeks rather than 4. what test booster are you thinking of using? Nolvadex and Clomid are the brand names for tamoxifen and clomiphene, no brand will be any better than the other just make sure you know what dose you are taking. you can buy them at ar-r. Vitamin c you can buy in pill form from any health shop (get 1000mg tabs). As far testosterone recovery goes only time will tell, that is the risk you take with steroids, some people recover very quickly where as others can take months, years or may never recover at all. But by doing a full pct you are giving yourself every chance of a full recovery.

  5. #5
    Thanks. I never thought about the Vitamin C... that just helps with cortisol levels? I know I need to keep my diet in check--making sure I keep plenty of calories and protein in my body after I'm off my cycle...I eat well and supplement with protein, glutamine, BCAAs and multi vitamins so I think I'm good there. I'll get my PCT and take it as you suggested. I don't have a certain test booster in mind--I just thought it would be beneficial to start taking something that would help NATURALLY boost my test levels since they will be low (right?) coming off of my cycle. I know it takes time to recoop, and that deff. is the risk you take with steroids--but I just want to do my PCT as perfectly as possible so I have a good chance of going back to normal afterwards. This is why I am not stacking other steroids with the test--I want to start with the least amount of gear as possible on my first go around.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    yeah vit c helps with cortisol (which is very catabolic). if you want to take a test booster as part of your PCT the best one i know of is ashwagandha Root Exract - it raised Testosterone by around 40% and imporived sperm count and mobility. I am going to use it in my next PCT. If you're really worried about test levels then you could get blood tests done before and after your course to see where you're at.

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