Whats up guys-
This is one of those kinds of E-mails that the veteran users seem to hate but unfortunately I made an amateur decision and I need some help. Thanks in advance to those who took the time to read this.
6ft 187 lbs 15% bf
About 8 days ago I decided to take my first cycle under the advice of a coworker who had been using them for several weeks. My first injection was a single CC of an oil based steroid by a company called EQL (Europa-Quality Laboratories, LTD). It is a stack of testosterone Propionate, Drostanolone propianate, and Trenbolone Acetate.
Immediately after injecting I got a major head rush and felt light headed, although the following day i was fine and I got in a weeks worth of lifting with good results. Unfortunately my skin broke out really badly also- to the point where its pretty clear to other people that something suddenly had changed. Also, I have had a feeling of anxiety since then, and it has actually stopped me from working out to my normal potential. Yesterday (7 Days later) I took only half a CC, thinking it would be less stressful on my body.
Following the shot I decided absolutely that I no longer wanted to complete my cycle, or any cycle, and would simply like to return to natural lifting.
I have been unable to find any information online about how to best go about doing this. I'm fairly certain that im prone to gyno, and I would like to avoid any more needles. To be honest, what I really need is a clear, easy to follow regimen from a seasoned and knowledgeable source to get me back to normal. If anyone could help I would be extremely grateful.