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Thread: First ever PCT

  1. #1

    First ever PCT


    I will soon be administering my first ever cycle followed by my first ever PCT.

    Test Enanthate - 10 weeks at 500mg/w 250mgx2 Monday&Thursday

    From Pheedno's PCT Sticky.

    I will start this 2 weeks after my last injection for 30 days

    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    Hair Loss Prevention

    I will also be taking 1mg of a Finasteride capsule each day from 1st injection day for 180 days.

    I have not yet ordered any of the PCT, would like some thoughts from members in regards to this PCT.

    1. Is the need for .25 L-dex is really essential?
    2. What are your thoughts on the Finasteride, will it cause disturbances with the other PCT products or will they all work together fine?

    Thank you,
    Last edited by ryandonz; 03-06-2010 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    First thing I would do is make those injections on Monday and Thursday.

  3. #3
    Thanks man, I have changed that above. Any reasoning behind this, and can you sugget anything else?


  4. #4
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ryandonz View Post
    Thanks man, I have changed that above. Any reasoning behind this, and can you sugget anything else?

    Yeah, I would only take the .25mg L-dex if needed. With such a mild first cycle you shouldn't need it unless you are very gyno prone.

  5. #5
    cheers bro. I guess ill purchase the l-dex anyway. I know its a bit of money, but better prepared then not!

    If i notice gyno half way into my cycle, ill start the l-dex at 0.25mg/day true?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryandonz View Post
    cheers bro. I guess ill purchase the l-dex anyway. I know its a bit of money, but better prepared then not!

    If i notice gyno half way into my cycle, ill start the l-dex at 0.25mg/day true?

    Thats what I would do. I started to noticed signs of gyno about my 3rd week into a test/dbol cycle and I did not have an AI on hand. I used 40mg of Nolva for one week and knocked it right out. With l-dex on hand you should be fine.

  7. #7
    40mg of Nolva each day?

    Yeh i reakon that would work too. But ive bought the AI so I might as well use it if gyno starts appearing while on cycle.

    Any suggestions as to how much I should use of the AI if gyno appears, like amount each day.


  8. #8
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    Ryan, is this your first cycle? If so this is exactly what I am looking to do down the road, I would love to see your results when your done if you dont mind !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryandonz View Post
    40mg of Nolva each day?

    Yeh i reakon that would work too. But ive bought the AI so I might as well use it if gyno starts appearing while on cycle.

    Any suggestions as to how much I should use of the AI if gyno appears, like amount each day.

    0.25mg eod of a-dex

  10. #10
    Hi Virk--

    Yes this is indeed my first cycle. Apologies for not understanding the terminology. I understand ED = Everyday, however unsure of EOD.


  11. #11
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    eod = every other day. And a great AI to use on cycle is liquid exemestane.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryandonz View Post
    Thanks man, I have changed that above. Any reasoning behind this, and can you sugget anything else?

    Reason behind this is injecting every 3.5 days ex: monday morning and thursday night keeps your levels from going up and down too much throughout the cycle which will equal less sides .

  13. #13
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    Just keep the Adex out of your PCT. If you want to use an AI in PCT, make it aromasin (suicide inhibitor vs shitty competitive AI).
    Also, I would stop taking the Finasteride the week before PCT starts. IME, Finasteride really sucks off cycle and will make PCT even more miserable (no sex drive, etc). Besides, if you don't plan on using it for the rest of your life, what's the point in running it through PCT, when your DHT levels are already nearly non-existent and you need all the androgens you can get?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 03-10-2010 at 08:43 PM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Just keep the Adex out of your PCT. If you want to use an AI in PCT, make it aromasin (suicide inhibitor vs shitty competitive AI).
    Also, I would stop taking the Finasteride the week before PCT starts. IME, Finasteride really sucks off cycle and will make PCT even more miserable (no sex drive, etc). Besides, if you don't plan on using it for the rest of your life, what's the point in running it through PCT, when your DHT levels are already nearly non-existent and you need all the androgens you can get?
    Hi Bonaparte. Ive read about Test Enanthate really being a killer for the hair while on cycle. So im trying to block the DHT by using finasteride on cycle, that way there is some prevention. Then once I am off cycle my DHT will just go back to what it was before cycle, and genetics will take care of my hair from then. What are your thoughts, they are appreciated. Thanks

  15. #15
    And with keeping the l-dex or a-dex same thing, out of my PCT. The whole reason I bought it was because Pheedno's PCT Sticky advises that the 3 is needed.......

    "Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva" ?

    If gyno starts appearing im also to take 0.25mg eod, by eod, do you mean by eod that im not taking test e, as on monday morning, thursday evening. Thanks

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryandonz View Post
    And with keeping the l-dex or a-dex same thing, out of my PCT. The whole reason I bought it was because Pheedno's PCT Sticky advises that the 3 is needed.......

    "Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva" ?

    If gyno starts appearing im also to take 0.25mg eod, by eod, do you mean by eod that im not taking test e, as on monday morning, thursday evening. Thanks
    EOD just means every other day. i.e. monday, wed, friday, sun, tuesday, thurs, sat, etc...
    It has nothing to do with your pinning schedule.

    BTW, that Pheedno PCT sticky is 6 years old. A lot has changed since then.

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