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Thread: Nipples

  1. #1

    Question Nipples

    Hey guys...sorry if this doesn't belong here...but I have a question about what I can take while ON cycle. I know what I need to take Post Cycle, but I am about three weeks into a sus/deca cycle and my nipples are starting to look a little puffy. I don't seem to have any knots, but the nipples themselves are starting to like swell up. They are also hard a lot lately, and seem to be very sensative. What can I take for this? I have seen friends that have taken cycles--even cycles of pro hormones--and are left with weird-girly-looking nipples. DEFF not the look I want, as I am working very hard for a body I can be happy with. I thought maybe these guys didn't do a PCT, but I am starting out and already have swollen nipples.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The AI you want to run while ON cycle is definitely exemesatane, you can get some from the board sponsor ar-r.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    you can also run arimidex on cycle if gyno signs begin to appear....normally you would start at .25mg EOD, but if for some reasons your signs didnt subside, you could up the dose to .50mg EOD, i wouldnt exceed 1mg of a-dex though. If that still didnt seem to do the trick, you could run nolvadex to try and get rid of gyno

  4. #4
    Anyone else agree on this exemesatane? I know about using a-dex and nolvadex n all that... I was just under the impression that you didn't wanna take certain things while on cycle because it could limit your gains or even have adverse effects. Thanks for any advice. Just looking for something to take while ON cycle until I hop on a post cycle, because my nipples are definitely getting 'puffy' and the nipple is always hard. It's just odd to me, and I'm afraid it's early signs on gyno--because I don't usually walk around in warm weather with glass-cutting nipples you know. I'm making decent gains on my cycle so far, but I can't wear a tight shirt without my nipples showing through my shirt. Thanks again for the advice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I prefer liquid exemestane, stronger than adex and not as harsh as letro, just right. IMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrabbit View Post
    Anyone else agree on this exemesatane? I know about using a-dex and nolvadex n all that... I was just under the impression that you didn't wanna take certain things while on cycle because it could limit your gains or even have adverse effects. Thanks for any advice. Just looking for something to take while ON cycle until I hop on a post cycle, because my nipples are definitely getting 'puffy' and the nipple is always hard. It's just odd to me, and I'm afraid it's early signs on gyno--because I don't usually walk around in warm weather with glass-cutting nipples you know. I'm making decent gains on my cycle so far, but I can't wear a tight shirt without my nipples showing through my shirt. Thanks again for the advice.
    If you are already showing signs of gyno, get Adex or Aromasin. At this point you need stop it, who cares about losing a little bit of gains, unless you like to have a nice set of boobs to play with.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    agreed go with exemestane, and if your gains are hindered so what, at least you don't have gyno problems.

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