04-03-2010, 01:00 PM #1Junior Member
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Where did i go wrong / now is my Dr. doing too much?
OK, heres my stats - sorry for the long read, but i would like to hear some useful feedback
28y 215lb 14%bf
cycle history, did a test/decca and test/equ when i was 21, pct was only clomid for 1 and only novl for other - no blood work done before or after (young and stupid)
last march 2009 did test prop 500mg/wk & anavar 60mg/day for 8 weeks, normal PCT clom/nov - no bw before, but about 1 month after pct test was 687. no LH/FSH taken unfortunately. no sperm anylisis. Basically lost most of the weight i put on from the cycle, but dropped a good amount of BF at the time (main goal at the time was to cut). Noticed strengh drop a good bit.
most recent, which seems to have killed me:
started HGH July 2009 3iu then increaed it up to 6 by mid cycle, currently still on at 4iu.
started mid aug 2009
test eth 500mg/wk 3-16
decca 400mg/wk 1-15 (started decca first because of joint pain from the hgh and was waiting on my test)
was using 250iu hcg 2x week starting about week 6
pct started 12 days after last test shot and 19 days after last decca
bumped hcg to 500iu 2x week for the last 3 weeks of cycle into pct
then clomid 100/50/50/35 novl 40/40/20/20
Kept almost all my gains except 5lbs. Bench strenghth held solid. along with everything else except some stamina. I thought i recovered awsome, was extremely happy, felt a little laggy in the gym but expected it. Definately no crash though.
2/2 went to a reproductive urologist specialist as my wife and i were going to try and have kids. I probably went a bit prematurely since it was only about 2-3 weeks after pct. He did BW and seeman anylisis. my test was 165. lh off the charts low, and same for fsh. No problem with ED, sex drive maybe a little low. ZERO SPERM. nothing at all in ejaculate. So he prescribed me HCG 1000iu a week.
2/18 went to another DR thats very open with steroid use that i was waiting 4 weeks to see. actually had the appointment before the reproduct dr (hes actually on shit and knows whats what, not like 98% of the drs). So he drew blood, did a full panel of everything. Everything came back within range, especially prolactin which i was concerned with the deca , except Test, Lh,FSH. After about 2 weeks of using the HCG 1000iu/wk, my test went up to a whoppin 211. ls/fsh off charts low still. He agreed with the HCG use, but actually said i shoudl be using alot more.
3/1 went back to urologist dr. showed him my interm bw from the other dr, and thought he originally prescribed me 3000iu a week. basically 1000iu 3/wk. So he botched that one, gave me another script to do 3kiu a week, and come back in a month. no seman or bw was done at this time.
4/1 went back to urologist. took BW and Seeman anaylsis. ZERO Sperm still(which is a bit concerning since sperm takes about 90days to be made which its been way longer then that since my last test shot). Test is now a shitty 219. Barely moved up after taking nearly 12000iu of HCG. Dr. now prescribed me with 1500iu 3x/week HCG and to go see him in a month.
Ive expressed concerns about using HCG extensively and he see's nothing wrong with it. He said he has patients on it for over 6 months who have low test but are still trying to have kids without going to synthetic test. So now i go back in a month.
I would like to get some opinions from experienced guys. I know 16 weeks was probably a bit long, but i would also think by now i should have recovered a little better then I have, especially with the amount of HCG. before TRT comes into play, im goign to give it a shot the dr's way as I would like to hopefully have kids one day. Its not as important now as things have changed with my wife and I.
So would it be any better to stop the HCG and run a SERM PCT? Ive even read somewhere that my testes could be desensitized to LH, so maybe even running some synthetic test for a little while could be benificial (i havent brung this up with the dr yet, so i would like some opinions on that), then use HCG/SERM PCT again.
And finally, should I stop using HGH? Would this hinder any recovery to my test levels? From what i read it should have helped not hurted.
I think i provided all relevant information, so please let me know what you guys think. I just hope this DR. didnt screw me up worst then i was at the time.
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