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Thread: hcg, clomid and novaldax for pct

  1. #1

    hcg, clomid and novaldax for pct

    can i use hcg, clomid and novaldax together as pct? after coming off a 12 week cycle? (test e and dbol stack).......

    week 1-12: 500mg test e
    week 1-4: 40mg dbol

    or should i use clomid and novaldax only
    or clomid and hcg only
    or novaldax and hcg only?
    please let me know because i dont want to crash and lose my libido etc, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Use all three.

    1-2 HCG
    1-4 Clomid
    1-6 Nolva

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by critical View Post
    Use all three.

    1-2 HCG
    1-4 Clomid
    1-6 Nolva

    thanks, can you also tell me how much should i take?

  4. #4
    POST CYCLE THERAPY by Dave Palumbo

    Whenever one considers stopping an anabolic steroid cycle, it is extremely important to wean yourself off of the drugs very slowly. For instance, if someone were taking 1000mg of sustanon per week, they would not want to just abruptly stop taking everything. The problem with just “stopping” a cycle, while taking such a high dosage of steroids, is that you may suffer the very unfortunate fate of “crashing”. In bodybuilding circles, when we talk of “crashing” we are referring to the situation whereby the user abruptly stops taking any exogenous anabolic steroids yet they also have no endogenous (natural) production of testosterone (due to the temporary shutdown
    of their pituitary gland from all the aromatizing steroids the user is taking). Usually it takes approximately 2-3 weeks for natural testosterone to start being produced. It is during this 2-3 week period that the user is extremely vulnerable to viruses (caused by a suppressed immune system), low sex drive (caused by a low testosterone level), and worst of all, lean muscle losses (also caused
    by low testosterone levels). How can we prevent this “crash” of the endogenous hormonal systems from occurring? First off, in the first week, it is a really smart idea to slowly lower the amounts of all injected anabolic steroids (bring injected testosterone levels immediately down to 500mg per week). Secondly (week 2), go off all oral compounds and stop all injected anabolics (with the exception of long-acting injected testosterones—keep them at 500mg per week). It is a good idea to
    stay on long acting testosterones (such as testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate) as opposed to short acting ones (such as testosterone propionate or testosterone phenylpropionate) because the long duration esters will slowly leave the bloodstream over the course
    of 3-4 weeks (therefore, there will always be some hormone present) during which time the user’s body will have a chance to start producing endogenous testosterone. Thirdly (around week 4), following the last dose of injected
    testosterone, the user should start a 2 week course of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Every second day, the user should inject 2000 IU’s of HCG. HCG is a hormone that mimics the effects of the pituitary hormone Luteining Hormone (LH). LH, in men, stimulates
    the leydig cells of the testicles to produce testosterone (this will effectively “kickstart” the inactive testes).
    Lastly (around week 6), Clomid (clomiphene citrate) should be administered orally at a dose of 50mg two times per day (for 2 weeks). Clomid is a synthetic estrogen that, in men, can perform two functions: a) Clomid antagonizes estrogen receptors (somewhat
    inhibiting the estrogenic side effects of aromatizing anabolic steroids).b) Clomid mimics the effects of the hypothalamic hormone Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GRH). In humans, GRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce LH and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This final role of Clomid, then, is to help awaken the pituitary gland that has been suppressed from the heavy anabolic steroid cycle
    that was just recently ceased. Once the last Clomid pill has been swallowed, it is time to allow
    the body to restore its natural endogenous hormonal system to normal. This restoration may take upwards of 2-4 weeks. I suggest staying off all synthetic anabolic steroids for at least 6-8 weeks following the ingestion of the last Clomid pill. This “break” should give your liver cells adequate time to detoxify themselves and your muscle cell receptors enough time to, once again, become receptive to anabolic stimuli.

    - HCG: 2000iu every second day for two weeks
    - Clomid: (start 2 weeks after conclusion of cycle) 50mg two times per day for two weeks
    - Aromatase Inhibitor: Arimidex (.5mg every other day)

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