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Thread: PCT HCG? SUST 350 & Test Cyp 6 month Cycle, (Mrs wanting to Conceive)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    PCT HCG? SUST 350 & Test Cyp 6 month Cycle, (Mrs wanting to Conceive)

    Hi all,

    im just wondering if I really need to take HCG? i've been on a cycle of Sust 350 3ML a week and test cyp 2ml a week for bout 4 months. the 2 months prior to the beginning of the sust and Test cycle I was taking Rapid TT and Primbolan.

    I ran the sust up till 6 weeks ago, then Tapered of with the Test for a further 4 weeks while Taking Nolvadex. Im still feeling great and little sides! haven't lost any strength, but I do have some spots on my back but only a few.

    I hence now reckon that gear should be completely our of my system. So was going to start taking Clomid now aswell as the nolva? but should i also take hcg?? is my major question?

    Since being on i did notice my testicles shrinking a bit, and since i ve been off my partener last night said shes noticed them getting bigger!! lmao My Mrs is wanting to conceive so im wanting to recover asap and as best possible.

    I would def appreciate your opinions and hopefully good advice! I shall full out my profile later and put some pics up.

    Many Thanks

    The Gym Rat
    Last edited by REVOLUTIONS_2000; 04-24-2010 at 09:35 AM.

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