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Thread: proviron and nolva

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    proviron and nolva

    i read for a good pct you should a run ai and iv been looking up these too and decided to takre them after a cycle of one rip a combo of test tren and wini...and supertest 350 what do people think..responce asap would be gr8 as im starting tmorow :S running 20mg a day for 4 week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    You really should've planned this better, and not waited till the day before to figure out your PCT.

    I don't think you need an AI in PCT at all.

    Yes on the nolva. How do you plan on running it?

    No on the proviron. I know some people have good experiences with it in PCT, but it still can be suppressive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    hi d7m thanks for your reply... my whole cycle as been messy to be honist...rushed into things too quikly and listend to people istead of researching my self. allready have my nolva just the prov im looking at getting. planing on 20 mg for two week then 10 for another two week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Like I said I wouldn't run the proviron in PCT.

    Sooo what was your cycle?

    Nolva 40/40/20/20 would be better than how you had it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    well.... i started out with a 5 week corse of tri tren two jabs a week mixed with dbol for two of those... two weeks into it i started to read up on things..started to learn you should allso allways run a test on cycles...soo two weeks in to my cycle i started supertest 350. after reading more i found out about pct and what steroids actualy do to your body and what you should do to repair it... following advice off a BB of 25 years on AS i got advice to take one rip to take as the test works its way out my body

    but being worried due to not being educated on how to do things properly keep reading and learning and came across why you should take ai and serms together.

    Could you please explain why the prov is a bad idea? i know quite little and need help all the way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    so 40 fo week one ad two then 20 week 3 and 4?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    No on the proviron. I know some people have good experiences with it in PCT, but it still can be suppressive.
    Quote Originally Posted by bezzy View Post
    well.... i started out with a 5 week corse of tri tren two jabs a week mixed with dbol for two of those... two weeks into it i started to read up on things..started to learn you should allso allways run a test on cycles...soo two weeks in to my cycle i started supertest 350. after reading more i found out about pct and what steroids actualy do to your body and what you should do to repair it... following advice off a BB of 25 years on AS i got advice to take one rip to take as the test works its way out my body

    but being worried due to not being educated on how to do things properly keep reading and learning and came across why you should take ai and serms together.

    Could you please explain why the prov is a bad idea? i know quite little and need help all the way
    Wow. That cycle is a mess. Live and learn.

    See my post above about proviron.

    Quote Originally Posted by bezzy View Post
    so 40 fo week one ad two then 20 week 3 and 4?

  8. #8
    Proviron on pct is not supressive at a low dose 25-50mgs and it really helps keep any depression and loss of motavation/loss of sex drive/loss of appittie at bay.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    what would you recomnd to make my gonads kik in asap instead of the proviron? just nolva for the pct?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bezzy View Post
    what would you recomnd to make my gonads kik in asap instead of the proviron? Just nolva for the pct?
    hcg on cycle ,nolvadex and clomid pct,proviron to keep all the above intact.

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