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Thread: Pct help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Pct help!!

    Hey everyone, just about finished my first cycle total newb.. I'm 19.. I know young.. been training freeweights for 2 and ahalf years this november.. and I did boflex before that lol. Anyways I had a guy help me with my first couple injections and stuff but he had to go away. then another guy showed me how to do them on my own.
    Anyways enough blabbling.. The guy I got my stuff from NEVER mentioned a pct.. and the new guy says using Trib and Zmas is fine because my cycle was really light.. well.. these forums have told me WAYY different.

    started with (2) 10ml vials of a test mix(300), (1) 10ml vial of a deca 250 , and a 10ml vial of boldabol (200)

    My cycle went as follows

    2 weeks of Boldenone Undeclylenate (Boldabol) at 200 each week
    then 200 boldabol and a 100enanthate/100cyp/100prop/ mix for a total of 500 alltogether for a couple weeks with maybe one or two weeks a little heavier, but not much.

    Then after the 10ml vial of boldenone took Deca 250 with the 3 testmix stated before for like 1cc of deca and 1.5 cc's of test for the last couple weeks.

    Now I'm down to 60% of a vial of the test.. and 40% vial of decca.. so nearing the end of my cycle... I've tried posting on the forums sooner but my account just got activated now.. soo.. a swift response so I can get Nolva or chlomid or whatever I need...

    ps. No need to hate on my age.. so far I've loved the results.. but.. having serious regrets about not waiting a couple years.. ohh well. live and learn.. wont cycle for awhile... and sorry about writing you guys a bible.. just trying to get the best advice possible!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    If you use Deca,it will be never light! 100 mg Deca=hpta shutdown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    An extremely suppressive cycle typically calls for a fierce PCT.

    Clomid 100/100/50/50/25
    Nolva 40/40/20/20/10

    Blood work: This is vital in your situation. 6 weeks after your PCT get some blood work done and see where you stand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Why is this vital in my situation? and is clomid and nolva injections or pills or both? and if both whats better? aswell is there any negative side-effects to them? and the see where I stand is making you scare me man.. lol...

    and when should I start taking them? immediately finishing my cycle? near the end of my cycle? and should I hold off on blood work untill 6 weeks after the pct? or is sooner fine? I was kinda hoping to get in sooner for a full check up, make sure everythings running smoothly again.

    Thank you so much for your time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's vital because you are young and ran a horrible and unorthodox cycle. And there's a chance you have done temporary to permanent damage to your hpta/endocrine system or other.

    The PCT will be liquid if you purchase them at the banner in the top right hand corner. As far as side effects, just read their profiles.

    Start taking them when the esters have left your body. Start reading*

    Yes blood work starts 6 weeks after the last administration of your PCT

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