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Thread: When is it "safe" to end PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Question When is it "safe" to end PCT?

    Hey guys,
    I am following a protocol of 50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolvadex per day and I am currently midway into week 4. My plan was to run this for 4 or 5 weeks pending developments. My question is, how do I know it's "safe" to stop?

    Some additionals:My first week I did 25mg Clomid and 20mg Nolvadex starting from day 10 of last injection of 'Test E'. The reasoning was that I still had test levels in that first week (so technically still on cycle), but also that I should start at safer dosage.
    Well, I didnt feel very well on this dose and I therefore stepped it up to 50mg Clomid starting week 2.

    Currently my balls are back (they were never really gone) and they're probably 20% larger (!) than they used to be(...), my moods is pretty good and I feel overall normal. My sex-drive is maybe so-so, but I find it hard to say if its because of PCT or because of having been very busy lately.

    So again, should I discontinue at end of week 4?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    You didn't need to start the pct until 19 days after last test e injection. To be safe I would run the pct 5 weeks if you have enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    You didn't need to start the pct until 19 days after last test e injection. To be safe I would run the pct 5 weeks if you have enough.
    "19 days"? 10-11 days with Enanthate IMHO.

    I'd go 5-6 weeks until AM erections are back. AM erections are a good indication of endogenous androgen output.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    "19 days"? 10-11 days with Enanthate IMHO.

    I'd go 5-6 weeks until AM erections are back. AM erections are a good indication of endogenous androgen output.
    Really? I've always read that on the long ester tests such as e and c that 19 days was the optimal start time for pct. I actually believe that is what is in the profile for both on this site unless they have been updated recently.

    Not saying you're wrong because I know your good with all the pct stuff just wondering if this is a new rule of thumb or am I getting compounds mixed up?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    @ stack_it 19 days may have been the past standard, but recent recommendations is for 10 days (Test E). You can find "start times" in this sub forum. The idea is simply to avoid that crash that occurs if you let your blood levels go down to zero before you start PCT. At 10 days there's still a bit left so the PCT should start smoother. My idea was just to run a lower dose PCT while I still had Test E left in system.

    @ Swifto I am already having morning erections. Should I stop at end of week 4 given this information?


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Good to know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Just looked out of curiosity. I was going by pheednos pct start times in the sticky from 2004 and it's 18 days on cyp and 14 on e I guess I saw the 4 as a 9 or something lol. You learn something new everyday here.

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