Well I just finished a 6 week cycle (dianabol). I thought everything worked well. Gained 14 lbs throughout cycle. Not saying all 14lbs were due to "D", but I'm sure it helped with some of it.
I plan on manning up and starting a cycle in January. However this time I plan on Test + Dianabol this time.
My question is this. Nolvadex, Clomid? Great PCT counters and what not. What would happen to a person who NEVER cycled on steroids, was healthy and everything, but took Nolva for 30 days (No reasoning for it, just took it)? They're not suffering from low T counts or gyno problems or anything that would warrant PCT measures. Would Nolva/Clomid mess them up, without them even needing it?
Also, does PCT measures show up in drug tests?
Thanks for everything!!