i put this post in the anabolic steriod forum but i think i should have posted it here. sory for the mixup

Guys I need urgent help
Steroid cycle i took:

600mg of T300 weekly and boldenone 500 mg weekly
steroid length: 12 weeks

I have to admit guys i fuked up big time with my pct coz my guy who gets me the hcg got it for me very late. I started taking clomid two weeks before my cycle finished and four weeks after i started taking clomid i got my hands on hcg injections. I took 3 injections, once weekly, 5000 iu each injection.

I have now stopped taking clomid now. I am having a really hard time feeling horny or even thinking about sex and even having a hard time getting an erection. so my gf is freaking out.

Its a month now off the juice, i was really horny on the juice, but now i cant even get it up.

What do i do? will my body recover, will i get horny again and get a normal erection?

thanks guys