hi guys,

I am thinking of running the following cycle:

10 weeks:

133mg prop eod
67mg npp eod

dosages are exact as its a pre made blend im using.

Im going with arimidex 0.25mg eod to help prevent gyno if it does rear its ugly head !

My only question is regarding my pct. on my last cycle of 10 weeks prop and masteron (100mg eod), i used:

clomid 100 - 5 days / 50 -10 days
tamox 40 5 days / 20 - 10 days
adex 0.25mg ed

However I didnt feel it returned me back to normal as soon as I would have liked.

I was thinking of kick starting my pct with some HCG this time round and using 500IU every other day for the first 5 days of my pct. However this is where I get confused: I know I cant use nolva during cycle due to npp being a 19 nor and that I can make progestin levels real high - am I ok to use nolva during my pct ?

Also, as npp shuts you down hard, is it worth using some hcg mid cycle or in the last 2 weeks ? If so, how much do you guys reccomend ?

