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Thread: Hypothetically speaking...

  1. #1

    Hypothetically speaking...

    Yes n00b.
    I'd just like to ask *SAY* if I was to run a 10 week deca only cycle (yes, no test or PCT) what do you think the probable out comes would be?

    I know 2 guys irl both aged 19 that did this.. but I'd like to see what you guys suggest what would happen based on your knowledge. I'm 21 in 2 weeks btw.
    And no I'm not a troll or even contemplating this, just curious.

    Have been training for 4 years, seriously for 3. Currently 6' and 228lbs. Not sure of bf% but not close to having a six pack that's for sure but I'm definatly not fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Hypothetically speaking, it's a horrible, horrible idea for more reasons than I have time to recount here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hypothetically speaking...

    Yes n00b.
    I'd just like to ask *SAY* if I was to run a 10 week deca only cycle (yes, no test or PCT) what do you think the probable out comes would be?
    Why would you just run Deca? Do research
    I know 2 guys irl both aged 19 that did this.. but I'd like to see what you guys suggest what would happen based on your knowledge. I'm 21 in 2 weeks btw.
    And no I'm not a troll or even contemplating this, just curious.
    At 19 you have natty T why would you even think about AAS
    Have been training for 4 years, seriously for 3. Currently 6' and 228lbs. Not sure of bf% but not close to having a six pack that's for sure but I'm definatly not fat.
    If you have been Training for 4 years and "seriously" for 3 how would not know your bf%? Sounds like what you think is serious training is recreational at best

    Might I suggest checking your Diet and doing more research.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Loss of labido/sex drive. So much so it was trailed as a form of contraception...

    Loss of energy.

    Possible anxiety increase.

    Loss of well being.

    Possible impaired CNS function.

    Testicular atrophy.

    Erectile Dysfunction.

    For those wanting to use it during puberty, I have had PM's of teenager's and those in their 20's never returning their endogenous testosterone back when using Nandrolone alone and with other androgens. Yes, NEVER returning to baseline values.

    It can take YEARS to recover from 19-Nor's sometimes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    skip the hypotheticals.... you are actually too young

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    deca with no test... why?
    that's like chewing food but not swallowing it... it'll suck, and you'll regret it afterwards when you're not bigger AND your system is f*d up

  7. #7
    Well I trained for a year not knowing excactly what I was doing with out a proper routine or goals in mind. Was'nt eating correctly either.
    As for bf% I've simply never measured.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Canada, Ontario
    More research = more knowlegde. spend that time until your 25 yo's with your plates fully grown.

    be safe bro, think about it.

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