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Thread: Halodrol pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Halodrol pct

    This is my 6th cycle. My second pro hormone cycle. The other was ten week fina and a couple test cycles. Anyways what should I run for pct. I have nolva. Should I get clomid too or aromasin? Also do you think a cortisol blocker is necessary? I'm running the halodrol 50 @ 90mg/ed for 4weeks. Stats are 5'10" 208lbs 7%bf. Thanks so much for the help. This its my first post by the way. I have been using this site for 7 years and never registered lol all the way back when it was Dont know why I never registered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Well I guess what I'm really asking here, is that I have never taken Halodrol or Chlorodrol 50 is what it is and am unsure what all to take as far as supps and pct. Ive done fina and test and have always run clomid/nolva/adex. So if I did this how would this look:
    vitamin c 5g/ed (cortisol blocker)

    Would that be sufficiant? If I could afford aromasin or clomid to add to the nolva anyone suggest that?
    Also I have never taken a cortisol blocker and was wondering what you guys think about lean xtreme. I always heard legal stuff was junk that is why I thought vitamin c would be better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ok well after all the searching I finally found a few things and they all seemed to think you might not even need nolva due to Halo being a weak substance. I find that hard to beleive to not use any serm, so I will just do nolva 40/40/20/20. Just thought I would ask and see if anybody new. Not a novice by any means to cycles but a novice to these pro hormones/steroids.

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